Where is he?

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat on the bed bored of being stuck in the room. I wanted to leave. I was so close to jumping out the window and run it to the forest but unfortunately I was on the third floor of this castle and there were guards all around the outside

As I pondered over my life at the moment I heard a knock on the door

" Hello~ my angel" Someone said slowly opening the door. There stood a white haired man with pale pink skin. He wore a light blue suit and the smile he wore on his face gave me a disturbing feeling

" How are you my beloved angel~" He said calmly but it only made my spine shiver. We walked closer to me. He seemed around the same height as Bill maybe a little shorter but you could barely tell

" you look..... familiar?" I said quietly. He reminded me of someone. Yet I cant remember. Like I've wanted to forget and I clearly won that but now I kind of wish I haven't

" But of course I look familiar. We've met before my dear" He said calmly. I looked at him before realizing

" wait..." I mumbled quietly. He was the guy at the ball. The weird creepy one

" Why did you bring me here?" I said gaining confidence that could easily break as I thought ack of the females words earlier today

" Oh my darling angel I brought you hear because that demon of the Cipher kingdom is not worthy of your beloved beauty and angelic look. You belong in a safe heaven place that I can give you. It would be like you're in heaven" He said smiling warmly before his face turned dark. No longer smiling. His eyes went dark

" so long as you obey me and the rules I set for you. Or it will be another place you don't belong in" He said darkly. My shivered under his glare before he looked calm. As if what just happened never existed

" Now then I have some business in my office so the doctor will talk to you about my rules ive set for you and such. Then when I think you've earned you can explore the castle since you will now live here" He said calmly before leaving the room shutting the door as I sat there confused




What the hell? Why didn't I protest? Doctor? Does he mean that female? I should probably ask for her name.....

I sat there looking around the room for the tenth time waiting for the doctor

I just hope someone will find me before things get real here. Well more like my life's on the line. I don't want to be like the lady who took her life. I mean.... she was in the same position as me


But what if it happens to me?

I shook my head and tried to focus on something else

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Will stood around the main doors waiting for the gang to come back. Seriously how long is it going to take them? And where the hell did they even go?

We heard the doors click and open calmly. The whole gang walked in with hopeful looks and some a little nervous

" Ugh great your here. Listen were on a mission so we cant help around the castle right now. And its a top mission that cant be explained" Ty said acting as if he was important

" Yeah well if your mission involves my fiancé I can say otherwise. Anyways I want part of this "mission" and Will's joining me. Now explain where the hell you guys went? And what you have so far?" I said calmly glaring and Ty

" bloody hell mate. Who told you?" Wolf mumbled before yelling

" Lets just say someone over heard" I said calmly glancing over at Will. He hid his face not wanting to be called out and I just chuckled

" Ok, ok fine. We know where he is but not exactly where he's kept" Wolf said calmly. I looked at her raising an eyebrow

" Where is he?" I said confused. They all looked at each other before she finally answered

" We believe that Gideon from the Gleeful has him but just to make sure Red has contact with someone who might still work at the castle to confirm he's there" Wolf said sadly. I was so mad. I was so close to leaving this stupid castle and just get my guards and ambush that stupid kingdom. But I knew everyone would stop me

I folded my arms annoyed as Red left probably going to make the call

" We have to wait a little longer to get any news about her friend before we can start thinking of a plan and any back-ups necessary for this mission" Blue said calmly. We all nodded and once we al agreed she left and everyone else followed all going different directions

I grabbed Ty's shirt pulling him back

" HEY! what the hell man?" He said trying to grab my wrist

" If he's staying in this castle I want you to watch him. I don't trust him wondering around my castle" I said calmly to Wolf before glaring at him. She rolled her eyes but nodded

" Ok, ok. Let him go before you kill him" She said grabbing his wrist. I let go and walk away. As I left I heard him whine

" BUT MOM!" He yelled clearly annoyed about still being babied. I smirked as I left to my room

Ty and Tyler aren't actually her biological son's. She raised them as her own when she found them basically starving in the forest. They show her every way they can how grateful they are for her. I cant blame them either, she was the only person who gave them a shot at a second chance. Although they might be the most reckless and wanted twins around different kingdoms she still stands up for them and bailing them out of jail. I cant explain how many gifts they gave her each time she took her time to get them out

But don't think that they get it off easy like that. Oh no trust me I've seen it first hand how she gets them to "learn". First off there's this five minute rant about how they cant be doing that kind of shit and then she makes them do her work with no pay depending on what the crime was depends on how long they do her work

Oh yeah and she always hits the upside the head every time they leave the cell they were kept in at the jail. She has mom blood running threw her after all

I laid in bed waiting for the idiots to call me when they get any news


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. You know what I think ill have a whole chapter dedicated to the characters so far. So you can get an idea of my OC's

but don't expect something big okay. Especially with names because im bad at names. Literally. my proof being Wolf, Blue and Red!

Anyways I'll see you guys next chapter


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