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Blues POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

~ a little back tracking here~~

We were on our way to the reception. Me and Wolf were arguing about what we were supposed to do. It wasn't before he heard a loud crash that we looked out the back window

" Holy SHIT!!" I yelled. Me and Wolf yelled at the driver to stop

" DRIVER STOP, STOP THE CAR" Me and Wolf yelled

The driver hit the breaks and we quickly got out the car. We both ran over to Dippers car. As we ran we saw three black cars stop around where Dippers car crashed in the forest. It didn't stop us and we continued to run

" DIPPER!" We yelled repeatedly. We saw these men get out the car's in black suits. Wolf quickly changed to her wolf form. I continued running before jumping in the air and turning into my dragon form

Wolf quickly attacked the men that started shooting us. I flew above them and towards the smoke coming from the trees. I quickly changed back to human form with my wings and flew down. Once I landed I saw this strange man carrying Dipper bridal style

" HEY! Let go of him. NOW" I yelled at him. He looked at me confused

" Sorry lovely but I cant. Boss's orders" He said. His voice was raspy and dark. I looked at him angry

" I cant give two shits about boss's orders. Let. Him. GO" I said getting angrier. He rolled his eyes before turning around and walking away

" I already said I cant" He said calmly

" Does it look like I care?!? NO!" I yelled. I ran at him trying to get Dipper before he kicked me in the stomach and I soon became surrounded by men all wearing black suits and sunglasses

I tried fighting them off but while I was fighting the guy holding Dipper left

For fuck sakes

~~~~~Back to present time~~~~~~~~

We entered the venue running towards Bill. I looked at him sadly before whispering in his ear
" someone attacked Dippers car and now he's gone" I whispered. He looked angry and sad. He walked out with anger. His father running after him while his mother spoke to me and Wolf
" what happened dear?" She quietly asked. Me and Wolf looked at each other concerned
" someone kidnapped Dipper. We don't know who exactly but they sent out a group of men out for him" I said quietly so she could hear
She looked at us shocked. As she calmed down she headed over to the alter
" Everyone! The wedding is not canceled. However there has been an inconvenience at the moment so we will pause the wedding until further notice. Please I ask everyone to calmly leave. We're very sorry. But this wedding will happen I promise you all" she said calmly. A few people groaned others mostly mumbled but they all slowly left

Me and Wolf gave her sad looks while Dippers mother walked up to us to asked where he was. The queen touched our shoulders and smiled warmly dismissing us while she took Dippers mom talking to her while they walked

" What are we going to do?" I asked nervous

" Mate... I wish I could tell you... But I think we should go look for him. After all its sort of our fault he's missing" Wolf said calmly. I looked at her like she was crazy

That's saying something

" Are you insane? You are being more unusual than normal. I know it sounds crazy but I feel like we should leave this to the king and Bill to decided how to look for him. Normally this would be the other way around" I said confused. She shrugged

" I don't know im just saying. I think by the time they finally decided what to do it will be too late. I mean? We know how these guys look and the kind of cars they had. We know more than anyone here. Even if we describe the whole situation they still wont know as much as us. Im just saying we have a head start on a plan compared to them" She said calmly. She walked a few feet ahead of me

" Listen. I get if you want to leave it to them and frankly im happy you finally see things that way but in this case its not so helpful. If you don't want to take a chance and look for dipper while we still have a chance that's on you. You want to leave it to the king and Bill decided.. Fine but it will take a while for Bill to finally calm down and think straight. Don't get me started with their arguments either. We don't have much time to spare before something happens to Dipper that we cant help him with" She said a little annoyed but stayed calm. She walked away her arm behind her back. I knew what she was doing. I knew she thought this through. I also know how Bill is and how shes right about all of this

" tsk, fine. Wolf wait... You better know what you're doing..... lets go find Dipper" I said calmly. I ran up to catch up to her. I saw her smiled and shake her head

" About time you changed your mind. Before we start we need to get a small group together. I think you already know who I want you to go get" She said smirking at me. I felt my face heat up

" What? If this involves danger then I don't want her to come with us. Im not putting her in danger" I said a little flustered and mad at her. She chuckled at my reaction

" Calm down. Im not planning on her to get physical with anyone. You and I both know shes good and scoping out a place so I need her to be our little bird. Spy camera if you will. Don't worry she will be safe" She said calmly. We headed over to the castle

Once we made it to the castle doors she looked at me calmly before nodding. I felt my face heat up a little. Great. Now I have to go ask her

" Don't mess it up. We don't want you to be embarrassed mate" Wolf said clearly smiling behind me. I rose my middle finger up at her and walked over to the kitchen

" Just breath Blue.. Breath.. Its nothing big its just her after all?" I whispered as I got closer to the door. I pushed it open and headed inside

" Uhh.. hey Red? Are you here?" I whispered/yelled. I heard a giggle and I felt my face really heat up

" Yes, Blue? Whats up?" She said calmly with her angelic voice. I saw her standing giggling still as I saw her

" umm" And I completely forgot why I was here


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed a chapter where the 'brave' Blue finally gets flustered. Lol. Anyways I'll see you all next chapter



im not creative with names soooo... :/

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