Lost Prince?

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~

My eyes widen as I saw my kidnapper...

He removed the cloth from my mouth as I watched him with horror

" Ford?!?!" I said shocked. He looked at me with anger

" Yeah me. You little shit caused me so much trouble all your life and now you want to run off to the kingdom. WHAT? you think they will care about you? Youre so damn greedy. Cant apricate what you have can you. Now I had to go out of my way to get you back. So you better be grateful. Got it little shit" He said full of rage. I only nodded carefully

" Now then. Im taking you someone where no one can find you. Im making sure the world doesn't see you anymore. If anyone found out about you, you could be stolen and taken advantage of so im going to hide you forever in this place I found. For now we are hiding out in the cave but I will be moving you and those flowers" Ford said with anger but kept his calm. I stayed silent not wanting him to burst out in rage and hit me like last time. Or worse

I stayed in a corner of the cabin for a while. I would say about thirty to an hour. I watched as Ford would leave and enter the cabin with different items. I stayed silent to not anger him. After a while of entering and leaving the cabin Ford was done packing

He told me to carry the backpack he had packed and I obliged to not anger him. He unchained me to let me carry it and then chained me back up with my hands in font of me. I followed behind him as he held the end of the metal chain. I couldn't say anything from fear

I followed behind as we walk through the forest. I wasn't sure where we were going. We were going in a direction I hadn't adventured with bill. We were going deeper to the forest. From what I could see around me we were going around the big cliff that held the hidden cave. I wasn't sure what I was feeling

I was sad, but I felt like someone would find me. However my mind told me this was the end. No one would find me... who would want to find me anyways... im not important... no one knew about me.. no one knows who I really am... I don't even know who I really am...

Wait a minute... That lady that would always talk to me in secret..... she told me I was a lost prince... She knew who I was when I was younger....

should I ask Ford??

no he'd hit me if I asked a stupid question like that.....

I shook my thoughts away. I looked around and I saw a cabin close by. I didn't say anything but as we got closer I realized that's where we are staying

Ford unlocked the door and stepped aside for me to go first. He clearly didn't trust me. I walked in paranoid that he would hit me. As I entered he still held onto the chain. I heard the door close and I was getting more and more afraid. Ford tugged on the chain leading me to a vending machine in the cabin. He punched in some kind of code which caused a secret door to open

I was now more afraid then ever. I tried walking back but he tugged the chain not letting me leave

" Wait Ford please. I don't want to go in there" I begged as I tried tugging away. He faught back however. Of course he would

" Dipper this isn't a choice for you. I told you I don't want you to leave or run away anymore so you are staying somewhere more hidden. DO YOU UNDERSTAND" He said trying to keep his calm before he exploded on me

" WAIT please.... I don't want to go there... please Ford. Let me stay up here... I will listen I promise" I said feeling my tears begging to invade my vision

" please Ford.. I wont leave.. ill stay with you I wont try to run away or anything.. please let me stay up here" I said feeling a tear fall

He didn't look as angry as earlier. But soon there was a knock at the door. Both our heads turned to look at the door. Ford headed over to see who it was and tugged me along. He got close enough to see who it was and his face quickly became full of rage and hatred

" Great dipper know the royal guards are outside. SEE WHAT YOU DID YOU LITTLE SHIT" He yelled with anger. I felt my tear begin to fall down my face

" Im sorry I didn't mean to" I said with a river of tears. Soon I felt a string on my face. Once again... he had slapped me

Before I could react I was being tugged to the hidden staircase inside the vending machine. I couldn't help but yell


" FORD PLEASE DONT" I yelled with fear. I tried getting away but he was stronger than I was. I was only slowly stopping as he tugged on the chain

" WAIT PLEASE" I yelled with more tears falling. With all my screams I heard people shouting and banging on the door

" FORD PLEASE I DONT WANT TO GO DOWN THERE" I yelled. I was a huge mess

I was slowly getting closer and closer to the secret door. I tried so hard to stop him. I tried to leave with the strength I had

it was no use though

I was weak


I continued to hear the banging of the door and the shouting of the guards and Ford yelling at me to just go

Everything was slowly stopping for me

It was like time was slowing down

I had to think of something and fast

Why am I here? Why cant I just listen for once?


" you will always miss an opportunity if you don't take the risk to try it out. Remember that Dipper. If you decide to miss your opportunity you will never know what happens and with that comes the endless thoughts of your imagination of what could have happened if you had decided to just take the risk. After all you only ever live once take advantage of that. Never forget about it. It might help you in the future"


" you will always miss an opportunity if you don't take the risk to try it out...."

*back to present*

I completely stopped. Something in me decide to stop all of this. Take my advantage. I live only once

So why don't I just risk it

If I don't im stuck living like I was before I had ever met Bill


I tugged back the chain with all my strength and just at that time the door broke down

" STOP" I yelled. Everything had went silent. Ford lost his grip on the chain when I tugged it. I felt everyones eyes on me. However I only focused my eyes on Ford

I glared at him

" I just want one answer from you... After that ill obliged and go with you.. ONLY if you tell me the truth" I said as I watched him. He looked at me confused, crossing his arms

" Go on" He said glaring back

" Am I really the lost prince of the fallen Pines kingdom...

Am I really...

Mason Alcor Pines"


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. What a cliff hanger am I right? nah some of you might have saw it coming. Anyways ill see you all next chapter


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