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??? POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My men showed up about an hour later. I had specifically told them to be as quick as possible and im not too disappointed. After all its about two hour drive from here to the cipher kingdom

I saw one of my men carry him in. I gave them all a cold stare. I told them to bring him awake. They cant do anything right now can they?

" Im sorry sir, but he started running off" The one carrying him said. I rolled my eyes and turned around snapping my fingers

" Bring him to my room" I said as I walked over to my room. I watched as they placed him carefully on the bed. They left the room quickly. I walked over seeing his peaceful face. His dress was covered in blood and dirt

" Oh my precious angel~ I cant wait to see you when you wake up. We have much to talk about" I whispered as I rubbed my thumb against his cheek. I turned around and walked out the room

I order one of my men to stay outside the door and not let anyone in except the doctor and me. I got the doctor to help bandage his cuts from the crash. I asked one of my maids to change his outfit so he wasn't covered in blood or dirt

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

I felt something warm. I tried opening my eyes but quickly closed them as the light blinded me. As I adjusted my vision I heard voices

" I need you to change his bandages when they get too bloody. I also need you to come back every thirty minutes to check on him. Call me when he wakes up got it" I voice said. It was slightly dark but it wasn't like the other person who had whispered in my ear

" Yes sir" I heard another voice. It sounded like a female. It sounded a little like they didn't want to do what the other said. I heard a door close and someone sigh

I opened my eyes and looked around. I didn't recognize the room. I was laying in someone's bed with a blanket covering me

I looked over to see a female leaning against the door. She looked bored and annoyed. She looked over at me and stood there with eyes wide

" Hello?" I said quietly. She shook her head and walked over to me. I sat up as she sat down at the foot of the bed

" Hi. I was in charge of watching you but since you're awake I need to go get the boss now" She said calmly getting up. I quickly grabbed her arm before she left. She looked at me confused

" Can- can you tell me where I am. And who this boss is before you leave" I asked scared and nervous. She looked at me with sympathy

" I- uh I guess. Well you're in the Gleeful kingdom. The boss is name is Gideon. He said you two meet at the cipher ball. I wasn't told much about you. No one really dares to ask Gideon about anything" She said quietly

" We didn't- oh. him.... I cant be here. What about my- what about Bill? whats going on?" I had so many questions. She looked at me confused. I started worrying. Are they looking for me?

Are they worried?

Why am I here?


" You really don't know?" She asked looking at me confused

" No" I said confused

" Gideon had sent his men to go "save you" from this arrange marriage. He said he wanted to help you, that you're his beautiful angel. That you two wanted to marry but you called it off because of the arrange marriage between you and the oldest Cipher son, Bill" She said confused before something had hit

" Oh... my... GOD. THIS SON OF A BITCH" She yelled as her face was full of anger and annoyance. I looked at her in shock

" explain" I said quietly. She sighed before answering

" I've known Gideon our whole lives. Close friends one would say. He's done this before once. There was this girl. She was so beautiful. Similar to you, she was going to get married to this guy who was like really rich and handsome. They both loved each other. I asked her a few questions about him because I didn't believe Gideon since well its Gideon, anyways she talked so fondly about him. Id say she knew everything about him. Literally. She was so in love with him and I could by the way she spoke about him. But Gideon brought her here on her wedding day. Just like you right now. He forced her to marry him or else he would send his men to go kill her fiancé and her family. She loved him so much she stayed quiet about the whole thing. Luckily I got to be friends with her and she opened up to me about it. I tried to talk to Gideon about letting her go but he wouldn't budge. Anyways they ended up getting married against her will and then..... she couldn't take being with him.. If she didn't listen he would hit her... If she tried running away from him when he was disciplining her he would give her big bruises and cuts. I would always be there to make sure he didn't kill her..... He did it so much she couldn't handle it anymore. It hadn't even been half a year before she decided to end it all... She trusted me so much she asked me to help her. She told me when and how she planned on ending it... She made me promise to never tell him why she did it. Or anyone else unless they are in the same situation...." She said sadly. I stayed silent not knowing what to say

" I think its a little funny she knew that it would happen again. That he would get another person in the same situation as her... I guess she really was right. It happened once again..... But not fully. I promised her as her last wish.. To help anyone in a situation like hers from Gideon. And now.... here you are. I don't break promises, im not that kind of person... She was like my long lost sister.... I cant let her down... I know shes watching.. And im going to make her proud" She said tears falling down her face. I looked at her sadly. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I let her cry in my shoulder for a while

We stayed silent. Her crying being the only thing I could hear. She calmed down her breathing and wiped her tears away

" I have to keep my promise. But for now I need you to just act. I need you to just go along with things and when I found out Gideons plan i'll find a way to get you out of here... Theres always loop holes in his plans trust me" She said smiling kindly at me. I nodded trusting her. She messed with my hair before leaving the room

Just trust her....

And then.. ill go back to Bill.... Just wait


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed a more faster update. But I wont promise more of these just saying. Anyways ill see you guys next chapter


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