The Ball Pt. 2

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Bills POV~~~~~

Pinetree left a while ago. Once he did a bunch of girls came after me wanting to dance. I really wanted to say no but I knew father would yell at me so I agreed. I danced for what felt like forever. All the girls kept talking about how well they would be being my queen or just talking about how amazing  I am. It got annoying fast

I found my escape quickly. I left the ballroom to take a breather

" Who would've thought girls could be so annoying" I said under my breath. I walked around until I found the outside garden. I decided there was no chance in someone being in the little pond so I went into the flower maze to the small pond.

By the time I found the pond I saw someone sitting on the swing. I quickly hid behind the rose bushes. I made noise however and decided to wait a bit before trying to see who was there. After  few minutes I looked through the bush and I saw Pinetree. He looked so amazing. The pond reflected the moons light and it looked like he was part of an enchanted forest. I left the bushes and stood at the entrance

" You look so beautiful in the moonlight" I said out loud. He jumped up and looked at me. I saw his eyes light up

" Bill you scared me" He said smiling. So cute

" Sorry pinetree. What are you doing here" I said confused

" Nothing really. I was just tired of being in the party. N-not that I uh i hated it or anything its just that uh i just got tired inside" He said his face getting red. I laughed

" Its okay pinetree" I said holding my laughter. i calmed down a bit. We started talking about random things and laughing.

I looked at pinetree as he laughed. He looked so adorable as he laughed

Dippers POV~~~~~~~

I looked over at Bill as I started calming down. I saw him staring at me with a sweet smile. I raised an eyebrow confused by his actions

" Bill" I said confused. His eyes widen and he quickly shook his head

" Uh yeah" He said looking away

" Are you ok" I said giggling

" Yeah im fine" He said. I could just barely see a hint of pink on his cheeks and I thought it was cute

Our silence was disturbed by a the castles bells

" oh shit... Im sorry pinetree but I need to get going back inside before my dad sends someone to get me" He said sincerely

" Its fine. Ill meet you back inside" I said smiling. He smiled back and waved good bye. I waved as I saw him leave. I stayed outside for a few more minutes before heading inside. I grabbed my shoes and quickly put them on. I started walking back slowly. My feet began to hurt once more but I continued as I would only be in this pain for a few more hours. On my way back I got lost in the hallways. I wondered around

After what felt like hours I found a way back to the ballroom. But something caught my eye in one of the hallways. I looked in the hallway quickly only to find portraits of people. I checked to make sure no one would see me. I quickly walked through the hallway. I stopped at one of the painting and checked the small square at the bottom of the frame

Queen and King Pines of the Pines kingdom

I continued walking around. All the portraits had different Kings and Queens. Once I reached the end of the hallway I saw a way bigger portrait of a king and queen with a baby. This one didn't have a small square at the bottom instead it had a pedestal with engraved writing

King and Queen Pines of the Pines kingdom
     In memory of the beloved rulers and the           prince of our fallen kingdom

Ok ? I staired at the painting. I think what gave me a slight scare is the barely visible birthmark on the baby's forehead. I touched my forehead confused. I shook it off as just a coincidence or a mistake in the painting

I saw the flowers all around this painting and a few candles on a small table. I think I should be going back to the ballroom

I turned around only to bumb into someone
" I'm sorry" I said quickly. I looked to see who it was. Wolf
" It's ok mate" she said happily. She looked behind me.
" Did you ever got the chance to meet them?" I asked as I turned around to look back at the painting
" Actually i did. Sadly I was only a small pup so I don't remember much from them, after all I was only about a year or two. My mother told me stories about how I used to fall asleep while keeping watch to make sure he was safe when he was sleeping. It gave me so much joy when I saw him, when someone says their smile is contagious his was definitely a contagious smile. I remember how my parents would talk about how much they missed him and how he made everyone fall for him with just a smile and even more with a laugh" She said smiling sweetly at the painting
" That's sounds sweet. Do u think he's still alive somewhere. Or even the queen? What kind of person do you think he turned out to be?" I said interested even more
" heh well personally I do believe he's still alive I can't be sure about the queen but i do hope so is she. Has for what he might have become I'd say he hopefully came out to be a young passionate and loving person. Caring about everyone and their needs just like his parents" she said smiling
I stayed silent thinking about it. Hopefully they still are alive
"Anyways we should head back to the ballroom before any guards catch us and question why where here" she said smiling brightly. I nodded and followed her back to the ballroom

I stayed in the ballroom for the rest of the night. I mostly talked with Blue and Wolf for a while since Bill was busy dancing with other princesses. I laughed every time he tried walking over to me before he was ambushed by a group of princesses

After about an hour or two Bill finally found his ways

We chatted for a while laughing, it felt like we weren't even at the ball. Bill kept saying a bunch of cheesy pick up lines to me and I know its stupid but I couldn't help blushing so much

Wills POV~~~~~~~~~

I was standing next to father since I got tired of dancing. We stayed in silence for a bit before he had asked me a question I wasn't ready to answer at least not tonight

" Will? Do you know who that princess Bill is talking to. They haven't stopped talking for a while now. Which shocks me for him anyways" He said interested. I had a cold sweat thinking about my answer

Don't mess up don't mess up

" umm well f-from what I heard h- shes really sweet and smart. Bill says he really likes her. But I- I cant be sure im only assuming since he technically meant that last time I talked with him" I said

Stupid stupid please don't think im lying. Oh who am I kidding he probably heard me almost say hes.

I kept being mad at myself inside but I never heard anything from him. I looked over at him only to see him smile which shocked me. Father isn't one to smile especially something about Bill

3rd Person POV~~~~~~~~~~

The night continued. Bill and Dipper danced a few more songs before Dipper asked to go back were he was staying to rest. Bill called T.J over and asked to take him back home.

Wolf and Blue decided to take him instead to help take the dress off. They had agreed.

However the king wanted the mystery princesses name. about half the people that showed up had left so not many people were left. The king had tried to go after the princess to get her name and what kingdom she was from.

But Wolf and Blue noticed so they quickly rushed out the castle. They had left quickly and the king had decided to ask Bill later.

For the rest of the night Bill didn't really dance or talk to anyone else. He had spent the most of the night sitting on his throne.


Hey guys! sorry I haven't posted since basically a month. And im sorry. But ive been busy. But look I posted something finally so ha.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! see you all next chapter


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