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Bill POV~~~~~~~~~

Once pinetree left I stayed with a somehow not shocked dad and someone who basically abused someone in the royal family

" Guards. Get him" My father ordered. Ford? yelled and tried to run off before the guards had caught up to him before he left through the other door.

" What do you want us to do with him sir" One of the guards said standing in front of the others holding sixer down

" Take him to the castle and put him in one of the cells" My father ordered. The guard nodded and a few guards left first with the rest of us following behind

Me and my father headed off back into the kingdom. We rode our horses in silence. The awkward tension increasing

" Bill. Did you know about Alcors situation?" Father said breaking the silence

" umm well technically no" I said a little uneasy. He looked at me confused before he continued

" What do you mean by that?" He said a little stern. I was slowly freaking out

Pinetree said he wanted to tell them together. I need to keep my promise here

" Uh... How about I tell you later. With umm Dipper?" I said a little confused on what to call him

" Hmm I guess. But you will have to tell me everything got it" He said calming down. I nodded

As we headed back to the kingdom. Even though I wanted to hurry to see where pinetree went

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I hugged her back after standing there for a few seconds. She had the motherly warmth when I hugged her. Or it could have just been the fact I was never really hugged by a guardian figure. Ford never really hugged me since I could walk

" that means youre the lost queen" I whispered. I looked at her confused and shocked. She smiled with tears in her eyes

" yes, and you are my baby boy... if only your father could see you now. He would be so happy to see you" She said warmly. I looked at her with sad eyes

" don't worry child, he's watching us from above" She said calmly hugging me again

" yeah" I said quietly hugging her back. We stood there a few minutes in comfortable silence before we heard the steps of horses around the town square. We looked at each other confused before we left the back alley way and seeing the commotion

There they all stood

Bill stood next to his father as he tried ordering his guards to get someone. I held my mothers hand as I tried to look at what was going on

And then..

I saw him


He was trying to fight the guards

He pulled one of his inventions out of his coat aiming it at some guards in front of him like a gun. Everyone stood around him trying to figure out what he had in his hands

I let go of her hand and I pushed my way in front of the crowd as she tried to whisper-yell me back

I made my way to Ford. The guards trying to stop me and making me go back. However I pushed myself in front of them. Ford looked at me with wide eyes before anger reached him

" Dipper go back. Now" He said sternly. I stay still looking at him calmly

" no" I said. no emotion playing in my voice or face

" NOW! I don't want to shoot you too" He said a little worried. I walked closer to him so his invention was right on my heart

" Its not that you don't, its that no matter what runs in your head you cant bring yourself to shoot me" I said calmly. He looked at me scared but stayed still

" Ford... please don't do this. you're already in a bad place. don't make it worse by fighting. please" I said calmly with a little worry. He looked at me shocked before looking around and the confused and a little angry guards. At the town folk watching in fear

" I- I...." He said scared. He looked me in the eyes before dropping his weapon. He looked at it scared before throwing it on the ground and hugging me. I was shocked to say the least. I tried hugging back but he had a tight grip with my arms on my sides

" can you please give up ford. for my sake at least?" I asked calmly. I looked down at his grey hair as he nodded in agreement. I felt his tears on my shirt

He got up calmly wiping his tears away. I smiled calmly at him

" before I go mason... please forgive me. For everything ive done to you and for treating you like nothing your whole life. im sorry I never let you leave the cave. I was just scared of loosing you to someone. that you wouldn't want to come back to me" He said tearing up. I shook my head

" I might not fully understand your intentions but I will always forgive you. You made me strong. and you gave me really helpful advice when I was younger" I said smiling. He smiled and nodded. I looked over at one of the guards and nodded my head. I waved good bye and walked back as the guards got a hold of Ford

I turned around and made my way towards the crowd that still stood there. A few cheered at what I had just done. But I ignored them and made my way to my mother who had her hood up. She looked at me worried checking for any marks on my face and hands before smiling and hugging me. I laughed and hugged her back

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and I was meet with a grinning Bill. I smiled at him warmly

" Pinetree" He said calmly

" Listen, I know we planned things but umm. I kinda slipped up and now my father wants to talk to us" He said a little embarrassed. I looked at him confused about what he meant before it hit me

" like right now?" I said nervous. He only nodded at me

" Alcor whats going on?" My mother said confused. I looked at her scratching the back of my neck

" long story?" I said a little confused. She raised an eyebrow questioning me. I grabbed her hand and followed Bill to the castle. She looked clearly nervous to enter the castle walls

" You'll be fine. Trust me" I whispered as I felt her grip tighten on me. Before I could enter the guards stopped me

" Her reason for entering the castle" One said sternly. I looked at her for permission to say who she is. She looked nervous before nodding

" She's my mother. Queen Pines" I said calmly. His eyes widen before Bill turned around and touched the guards shoulder

" Yeah that means let them in" He said annoyed. The guards moved letting us enter. We all made our way to the kings office. As we entered he signaled for us to take a seat in front of his desk. The three of us sat down

I was so nervous. The queen was also there standing next to the king. I felt so nervous because my own mother would hear the story too

The king raised an eyebrow before speaking

" Well then..... begin the story" He said calmly

Me and Bill looked at each other before he started the story off


That's the end of this chapter! sorry it took like a week to update. Ive been busy lately with homework. ive also started a sewing project and that's just... eh

Anyways updates will be slower than normal. But I WILL finish this story THIS year. hopefully in the next month or two if I really am busy

But I do hope you guys enjoy this story

I haven't been able to just not finish a story and I wont start now. Hope you guys like it. See you all next chapter!


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