Find the princess!

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Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~

Im super tired. Im over life now

I had spent most of my night sitting or dancing with a few girls. I had to pretend to be happy but I sat down bored. I just wanted to go up to my room away from the crowd. There were still quite a few people left

Im eating breakfast with my family since father ask, more like forced, everyone to join for family breakfast.

" So Bill who was that girl you had spent the night with until she disappeared?" Father asked

" Pfft cough cough, Oh uhh" I didn't realize he'd ask this question this early in the day.

" Well?" He asked confused. I kept my eyes on my plate

" Shes uh well I didn't really ask what kingdom shes from" I said

Well for fucks sakes



Think brain, THINK

I need to come up with a lie

But what can I possibly lie about

I just said I don't know the kingdom


Im going to get caught in a lie now

I gave up

" Well what about her name ?" He asked. I looked at him confused

" I mean..." I stayed quiet

Just make a random name up

" You forgot her name too didn't you" He said giving me a 'really' look. I just smiled. He sighed and shook his head in disappointment

" I need to get going" I said getting up. But before I left the room....

" Where are you going exactly Bill? and why so suddenly?" Father said sternly.

So close. I couldn't walk faster!

" I need to go into town for something" I said quickly leaving right after before I could be asked any more questions. I decided to walk to town

All I can say is im going to regret that choice later on

I headed to T.Js house to visit pinetree.

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had to get going back to the cave but I was scared. I cant say if Ford was back early or wasn't going to show up today. But then again it felt like he would show up late on purpose to get away from me. I felt like he never really cared for me. Heck he'd yell at me sometimes hit me if I got out of line. If I broke a rule of his

I stayed in my room looking out the window with out realizing. I was just contemplating whether I was safe going back or just run away. But I cant. I need to go back no matter what. I want to keep my flowers safe from harm or extinction. I also owe Bill a flower after all

Knock knock

I got up and went to the door of the house. When I opened it I saw Bill. I smiled and stepped aside to let him in

" Good morning Pinetree" He said cheerfully. I gave him a confused look

" Youre so cheerful today. What happened?" I said confused

" Well I wanted to hang out with you before you left and I cant show up sad now can I?" He said proudly. I gave a small chuckle

" For a second I thought you were happy to see me go" I said pretending to feel hurt

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