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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat down reading a book I had found in one of the dressers. I was just so bored here. There was nothing to do and i got used to the view outside the window.

Can you guys please hurry and save me now im dying of boredom here

I shouldn't complain at least im being rescued from what ever you want to call this place. My life has revolved around me being force to stay put somewhere and not allowed to leave. Why?

I guess this is the world telling me im not allowed to have freedom because it upsets people. But then why is it me that is forced to stay here? Why am i the one who upsets people for being free?

I sat there wondering why my life had always revolved around staying in one place forever. Wondering why i cant leave and be as free as a wild bird. Instead im a caged bird wishing to fly high in the sky like the others

I know its selfish. But...

What if i just leave? Find my way around the forest.. Or find my way to the others??

No that's being selfish because they are risking a lot to get here only for me to be gone.... I cant. I need to listen and stay put. Even if i hate it

I continued reading the book sitting on the bed still questioning life.

Red's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Alright then mate tell us if this is a good plan. What should we look out for?" Wolf said questioning Angie

"For starters it is a decent plan.. Im not disrespecting or anything but you would have to look out for who knows how many guards. You'll get caught more easily with that kind of plan" Angie said calmly

"Well then what do you think we should do?" Wolf said raising an eyebrow

"Hmmm..... You want to get your friend back then listen up. This will be the plan, of course you will still need to fight guard or two but there's no good plan that wont need you to do that.." Angie said smiling. She continued to tell us the plan and once we all agreed we got ready to get the plan in motion

We walked to the town hiding in the alley ways

" Alright then get ready. Give me like ten minutes to head inside and get your friend ready to run it" Angie said calmly. We nodded and saw her run off to the castle

"I don't like that i have to sacrifice myself for this" I said sadly

"If you don't want to we can switch roles if you want im ok with it" Blue said calmly trying to cheer me up. I shook my head

"No its fine. I just kind of wish that i could help scouting incase" I said calmly. Blue nodded and hugged me

"Listen i don't want to ruin your thing right now but i think this town might get a dragon soon" Ty said pointing out the alley. I nodded rolling my eyes

I waved good-bye and headed out. I stood at the edge of the town quickly transforming

**The sounds of bones breaking.... just saying******


**Author starts laughing**

I heard the sounds of town folk's screaming in terror. Everyone ran away quickly

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

Angie busted through my door. I dropped the book in my hands out of fear. She laughed a little before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room

"just pretend to struggle ok?" She whispered before opening the door. I didn't have any clue of what was going on but ok?

"Angie he's not allowed to leave the room" The guard at the door said. I saw Angie give me a small glance and i took it as her way of saying start acting. I wasn't sure why i was supposed to struggle so i just tried prying her hand away from mine

"Yeah well that's what you last heard but Gideon wants to see him in his office so if you want to go complain to him be my guest" Angie said annoyed at the guard
"I don't want to go! I don't want to see him" I said trying to pull her hand away from mine
She quickly tugged my hand hard enough for me to stumble a bit and started walking
The guard stayed silent as she quickly forced me to follow her

Once we were a safe distance away she turned to me calmly
"Sorry for pulling your arm. But your friends are on their way over here. Reds making a diversion outside in the town while I get you out of here" Angie explained as we quickly continued to walk
We headed towards the back of the castle as she continued to explain
"Your friends should be outside theses doors by now but if not then I need you to run for dear life northeast from here you got that?" She said pointing to show which way. I nodded understanding. She quickly opened the doors as running feet surrounded the castle

Once the doors were open I heard the sounds of screams and roars of a dragon. Angie nodded and smiled before hugging me quickly
"Thank you Angie" I whispered as I let her go. And continued to smile at me
"Do me a favor. When you get back to your fiancé... cherish him. You never know when god will pick your precious flowers. Also.... invite me to the wedding" She said winking and smiling. I chuckled and nodded
" Ok" I said calmly. I looked around to see no one


I quickly ran to the direction Angie pointed and didn't look back

I ran as fast as I could but it wasn't that fast to be honest. And can you believe my luck

Just before I had entered the forest I felt a strong grip on my wrist that pulled me back. Soon I was forced to face my friends with someone's arm around my neck and what I believe to be a gun placed on my head

"PINETREE!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Soon I locked eyes with someone I had missed since ive been here. But my view wasn't something I had wished for

I stared into the eyes of my lover

whos eyes were full of sadness and fear. But it wasn't hidden behind the rage and anger clearly for who ever was holding onto me

" LET HIM GO" Everyone yelled. Some I don't remember seeing

" NO" The person who was holding me yelled and I realized it was Gideon

Well great


That's the end of this chapter! Sorry for the late updates but my life's been busy. not really. No but actually I have been busy with school work but I will hopefully be done with that but no promises


I hope you guys enjoyed! And ill see you guys next chapter


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