We meet again

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A/N: Id like to give out a warning this chapter. There will be abuse and slight gore in this chapter. If you don't like reading that I suggest skipping this chapter. Otherwise you have been warned. Well actually you can skip until 3rd person POV since this is a long chapter :)

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I felt a sting on my cheek

Once I walked inside the cabin Ford was already waiting for me. I knew I messed up the moment he slapped me across the face

I placed my hand over my cheek as I felt tears pile up in my eyes

" WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" He yelled at me. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Since I didn't respond he punched me in the stomach making me fall over hugging my stomach from the pain

" I ASKED YOU A QUESTION BOY SO ANSWER. WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU" He said yelling at me kicking me in my stomach twice. I started coughing. I felt my warm tear fall down my face

" I- I was in th-the forest. I p-promise I didn't go f-far" I said mumbling quietly

" Tch, That's no excuse. You know youre not allowed out of this cave. SO WHAT MADE YOU THINK YOU COULD LEAVE?" He yelled once more with rage. He grabbed me by the hair pulling my head up only to slam it again the wood floor. I felt my head spin

" ANSWER" He yelled

" I I- don't know" I said crying from the pain. It had never been this painful

" BULLSHIT DIPPER" He said kicking me multiple times on my stomach and legs. I knew id break or crack a bone somewhere from all of this. I felt my warm blood go down my legs and I felt myself slowly creating a puddle of blood on the floor I knew I would be forced to clean up later

" What if you weren't here and someone entered taking those flower huh? then what dipper?" He said angry

I didn't answer. I couldn't. I lost my voice as I continued crying

" Shut up it wasn't that bad" He said annoyed. I tried calming down but I couldn't. I was in to much pain. I heard him groan with annoyance, grabbing my hair and pulling me up dragging me to the bathroom. He threw me to the sink making me fall to the floor

" Clean and fix yourself off then go and clean your stupid blood mess. Im going to go take a walk. I expect when I get back the cabin to be clean and you are inside the cave" He said before leaving and slamming the cabin door closed. I felt my self get dizzy. I felt warm and dried blood around my legs and stomach. I had a huge headache as well. I shook my pain off and tried getting up using the sink for support. I got the first aid kit inside the mirror cabinet and started taking my shirt off to see the damage

I looked in shock. I had a bruise that took up most of my stomach and chest area. I saw a few open wounds as well. i poked around carefully on to put my self in more pain. I cleaned the opened wound areas carefully then adding gauze and wrapping my stomach and chest with medical tape. I sat down on the tub taking my pants off to see my legs

Both had big bruises everywhere almost covering my whole leg. There were also a few open wounds. I repeated my procedure. Then I got up and washed my face I had to put a bandage on my cheek bone since I had a small cut from Ford slamming my head on the floor. I put everything back and got dressed.

I left the bathroom carefully and made my way to clean my mess up

3rd Person POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

The guard had made it back to the castle. Entering the throne room where the King had been waiting for any royals guards

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