Dinner Surprise

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Grabbing my hand. I looked at her confused. With her thumb she glazed across my birthmark. I looked at her shocked and scared. But she continued smiling

" my alcor. It might sound crazy but your real names Mason Alcor Pines. Youre no princess because youre a prince. The lost baby of this town. and you might be wondering how I know. Well I want to keep that secret a little longer" She said frowning but she still continued

" when you were just a baby an accident happened at the castle and the queen ran off to the forest with you. She had to give you away for your safety. I hope the world treated you well" She said smiling so sweetly. I smiled at her before my face fell. I looked away from her

" heh, I wish. Ford isn't the greatest parent figure anymore" I mumbled. She looked at me with worry and sadness

" Oh dear, im so sorry to hear" She said as she hugged me

" its ok" I mumbled as I hugged her back. I don't know I couldn't really believe her

Me? a prince? no way. She has to be misunderstanding me for someone else

But then why did she touch my birthmark

I cant be thinking about this right now. Now I just have questions like how she knows but she said she wants to keep it a secret for a little longer

But then how long is a little?

And why did she tell me all of this now?

I pushed away my questions and thoughts as I remembered about Bill

" I- I need to go. sorry" I said sadly. She nodded and hugged me one last time. We said our goodbyes and I headed off walking around the town. Soon found Bill in the town square looking around. I laughed as I made my way up to him

" Pinetree there you are. Sorry I continued walking with out you" He said so apologetic. I smiled and shook my head

" Its fine. Besides I got to learn something interesting" I said he looked at me confused but brushed off my comment

" Come on wanna go explore the forest" He said putting his hand up for me. I smiled and took it and we were off to the forest

We walked around and talked about random topics. I thought it was great. It was just the two of us

~~Time Skip~~~

We were just leaving the forest heading back into town. As we walked into town Bill said he wanted to wait for Wolf or Blue since his father had told him they were getting something for him. We waited around the town square watching the sun slowly set. It looked so beautiful and peaceful even with the crowd of people

Everyone was slowly clearing. But there was still music playing around. I smiled as I watched the sunset. I felt something on my hand. When I looked over I saw it was Bills hand. I chuckled as I looked at him. He simply smiled and continued watching the sky. I somewhat covered our hands with my dress. I knew the town people might start talking about us, at least more than normal.

Just before the sun set Blue ran up to us

" Guys- I- I- uh OH MY GOD im fucking tired... l-let me just- catch my breath- phew" She said so out of breath. I chuckled as she tried breathing. Wolf quickly made her way to us as well

" Hello mates. My god Blue I told you not to run" Wolf said shaking her head in disappointment

" S-shut it... wolf" Blue said still out of breath

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