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those of you who voted, voted on the second option so here ya go

Time Skip~~~a month later~~~

3rd Person POV~~~~~~~~~~

Bill was right. The very next morning the king had arrange for Bill and Dipper to begin planning their wedding. With the queen helping Dipper out with a wedding dress and small details Dipper wanted at the wedding and the King spending time arguing with Bill about his suit and his details he wanted. The two love birds never had much time for the two

It had stayed that way for the rest of the month. The two rarely ever seeing each other as their schedules where always full. By the end of each day the two were exhausted

Dipper had begun to wonder when the two would tell Bills father about dipper being male not female. But he could only ever question as he never had the chance to talk to Bill about it and wished he could

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~

It was about a week away from our wedding. Now don't get me wrong im really excited and nervous. But I dont know if I really want to do this. I just wanted something simple but classic for my wedding but now its a huge party in a castle with the whole town and some royal families who were invited from all over. I cant say how far most are going to travel but I know this castle will soon be packed

I feel overwhelmed and more stressed out than the last month. This week was all about making sure my dress fits and any other details left for the wedding. I had connected a lot with the queen and the more with the Wolf and Blue. I saw them like every single day. We all chatted as we picked things out for the wedding. I hope she likes me enough to still let me be with Bill after we tell them

That's another thing im stressing out about. Bill and I haven't seen each other for the past month. Maybe a few glances from passing by each other in the hall ways but never a conversation of any kind. I hated it. but what can I say. Royal weddings huh

Right now I was getting my dress on with the help of Wolf and Blue. I was lucky they knew about me. And lucky they would help me get ready for the wedding. I actually liked my dress. It was a beautiful ball gown. It had a long tail that I had personally asked as part of my wish and both the King and Queen approved of. I had a bunch of gems on my top and on the tail. I had little sparkles all over the bottom half of the dress. It was really puffy too. For as much as I loved the whole puffiness of it I didn't like having to wear it and walk around with it. It was a huge pain trying not to trip over the front

" Done" Blue said happily. I smiled finally being able to leave the dress room. The two opened the curtains for me. I walked out careful not to fall over. I made my way to the small platform in front of three mirrors

I smiled happily as I saw myself in the mirror. I also just realized how feminine my body is. I looked like an actual female.

" Oh dear you look so beautiful. sigh I cant believe my Bills gonna marry someone so beautiful like you. I hope the two of you are happy together" The Queen said calmly. I smiled at her

" Thank you Mrs. Cipher" I said kindly. She smiled warmly

Today was a chill day for me for the most part. I just had a few stops but it didn't take so much time like other things

Right now I was laying in my bed reading a book. I left a note in Bills room hoping he had some time to come see me

As I was busy reading I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door. It was Bill

" Hi Bill" I said warmly. He smiled at me before answering back

" Hey pinetree~" He said grinning. I let him in my room and headed to sit down on my bed. He closed my door and laid down next to me

" Pinetree I cant explain how tired I am. I never thought a wedding would be so stressful" He said tired

" heh I know right... bill?" i said quietly

" yeah pinetree" Bill said a little worried

" i wanted you to come over to ask you when we should tell your parents about me. Its stressing me out and im getting worried i might mess up" I said nervous. It was true though

I keep getting anxious around his mom since im with her like everyday until i sleep

" Pinetree How about this we tell them before the wedding. A day before. Trust me pinetree i promised you we would tell them at some point and its a good idea to tell them before the wedding" He said now sitting up and holding my hands. I looked him in the eyes. They were so golden, its like they glowed with joy

I smiled at him. Promise. He smiled at me before kissing my cheek. i chuckled after

" Pinetree your smile is so cute" He said smirking. I pushed his face away from mine

" shut up" i said jokingly. I heard him laugh

We hung out for a little while before Bill was asked to meet with his father. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day

~~~time skip~~~

I woke up to the sound of glass breaking. I looked around my room franticly trying to figure out what happened

As I turned my head I felt someone cover my mouth with a piece of cloth. I tried to fight back but I couldn't see anything it was so dark

I tried to scream and kick, but it was no use. I felt them grab my arms and tie them behind my back. Quickly they tied my ankles together as well so I couldn't move and try to run off. Soon all I saw was pitch black. I couldn't see the moonlight entering my room or the thin lights coming from underneath the door from the hallway lights. They had placed a bag over my head so I couldn't see what was going on. It wasn't like I already couldn't

I felt myself being carried off. I heard a door slam open and I had heard gasps and yells of orders to put me down but soon they became quieter

I felt like I was falling. I didn't move, I tried screaming but the cloth had made my screams only muffles of sound. I was scared. I didn't want to cry, I had tears threatening to fall.

I felt like someone was running while they carried me bridal style. I stayed silent with fear crawling up on me. I couldn't see, I didn't know what was going, who would find me, if anyone will ever find me, who is the person taking me away?

Only questions built up in my head. Making me feel dizzy. The sounds of yelling and horses stopping on the ground as they ran could be heard all around me from far away. I could hear the person out of breath but they continued running

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pinetree was caught by someone in a black cloak. We don't know who this person is or what they want with pinetree but what I do know is we are running after them. My father sent out orders quickly for the royal guards to go after them

I was panicking but I decided to join them

I wanted to find my pinetree. We were only a few days away from our marriage. a few days before telling my parents about him. And now hes gone

I shook away the bad thoughts as I got on my horse and headed out with the other guards. My father joining us as well. Blue was leading all of us into the forest where we had seen the mystery person run to

Pinetree I promise we will find you

I wont break my promises to you

No matter what

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~

I was thrown to the ground. I felt myself getting untied but instead of staying untied I was now in chains, my hands behind my back. great. My ankles were untied ad the bag was removed from my head

I was blinded by the sudden light change. As my vision came back I looked around. I knew where I was. It was the place I had forgotten all about

I looked up to see who the person who had kidnapped me was.

I couldn't believe it...


That's the end of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy the cliffhanger. The cruelty I know

I'll see you guys next chapter!


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