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???? POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I held the invitation in my hands. Anger filled me, along with jealousy

That devil got the most angelic angel ?? HOW??!!

No angel can fall in love with a demon like him. He's cruel. Only every cares about himself. Hell he doesn't even pay any attention to anyone?

No matter what.....

Im getting that angel...




And nothing will stop me from getting that beautiful angel.

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was getting ready in my room with the queen, my mom, Blue and Wolf. Today was the big day. It was the wedding day. I had gotten a ball gown dress. Everyone told me I could get a tux instead but I decided to stick with the dress. It gives me a meaning. Like the night everything happened. Although I might have been a little forced to I still had a great time wether I was in a dress or not

" You look so beautiful my dear" my mother said excitedly
" Yeah mate you look lovely" Wolf added
" Can we please hurry now? I know it's tradition for the bride to show up late but I don't want to show up an HOUR LATER!" Blue yelled. I laughed at her comment and so did everyone else
" Alright, alright, let's hurry up so we can get going" I said calmly. Everyone nodded in agreement and we got back to getting ready

For one of my wishes I had asked for the wedding to be in a flower covered clearing in the forest, which the king had excitedly agreed with. However I was told to get there I had to go in one car alone while everyone else with me went two by two in another car. I would be the last to get out the car which I wasn't too excited about but oh well...

We made our way quickly to the cars parked outside the castle doors. The queen and my mom got in the first car, then Wolf and Blue got in the second car and I was told to go in the last car

We all headed out the castles door. I watched were we where headed. We passed by the town and into the forest. This time the opposite side of where the cave was.
I watched the trees go by calmly. I felt a smile on my face I was so excited and nervous

This is really happening now isn't

Oh my god I can't believe this

I can't wait!

But before I knew it I was covering my head and screaming. Somehow a car speeded into us and the car ended up flipping over. Luckily it landed the right way. A few trees had stopped the car. I took my seatbelt off and got out the car quickly. The door was jammed for a few second and I was really scared the car would turn up in flames. I ran out so quickly I forgot I had a ball gown on. It was no longer pure white. Instead it was covered in dirt and a little blood along with some pieces of glass

I felt arms around my waist pulling me back. When I tried to scream they covered my mouth and nose with this white piece of cloth. I heard female voices yelling my name from far away

" shhh he's waiting for you. Just sleep for now my queen. I can't hurt you or he will hurt me. So please calm down...... everything will be over soon" A raspy, dark voice whispered in my ear. I stood still. I heard a few voices but I couldn't tell who it was as black dots invaded my vision and soon

Everything turned black......

That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry about the cliff hanger but like how could I miss this opportunity? Anyways see you guys next chapter! also sorry for the short chapter today

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