Hooded Woman

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Bills POV~~~~~~

In the morning before i left to get pinetree I told my brother to talk to our father about the ball and changing it to sometime this week. I told him it was part of my plan and he agreed but he was slightly annoyed that I wouldn't tell him the plan yet

I decided to skip breakfast in the castle and show pinetree around the town

Dippers POV~~~~~~

I was walking around T.J's house. I was a little bored since I forgot to bring a book with me from the cave.

I looked through a window and I saw a few people walking around. Then I saw a small crowd following someone. They were making their way over here

I was finally able to see who the small crowd was following. It was Bill

I went down to the living room. Once I made it down I heard a knock. I went over to open it

" Hi Bill" I said happily

" Hey pinetree. You ready for your tour of the town" He said calmly

" Of course" I said excited

We left and walked around the town square. Bill told me where most things could be found like a bakery or the fruit stands. There were people playing instruments in the middle of the town square. I was excited for all of it. Ive never seen anything like this, not even in the books I have at the cave

Bill took me to a diner to eat lunch. I felt like I was just over excited for everything he showed me

~~Time Skip~~

because I don't really feel like writing their adventure

Its been three days and I had so much fun. I found a store that sold paint and asked Bill if I could paint something in the town square. He said I could and I decided since everyone doesn't really remember or know how the dream flower looks I could paint it

In these three days ive made it half way to finishing it. These three days have been the best days of my life. Ive never felt so free here

Bill told me that his family were going to host a ball. I never really heard about it before. Bill said it was just a type of party. The thing is this ball thing had to involve me in a dress which I can already tell im going to be embarrassed

Im with Bill in the town square. He was buying me something from a stand. I was looking around and just started walking. I accidentally bumped into someone wearing a black hood

" Im so sorry" I said. I helped pick up their basket. I saw them look at me in shock. Next thing I knew I was being dragged by the arm to the back of a building

They put their hood down and it was an older woman. She had brown eyes like mine and thick brown hair. She looked familiar to me but I wasn't sure where ive seen her

She touched my cheek and smiled

" Oh how much you've grown. Where have you been all these years" She said quietly. I looked at her confused

" You don't remember me" She said sadly. She continued smiling anyways

" Some other day I will tell you. I know ill see you again just like all those years ago" She said happily. She hugged me. Im not sure why but I hugged her back, I felt like I had to.

" You grew up to be a nice young man. Don't let anyone break that from you dear child" She said quietly. She kissed my forehead smiled and left. I cant say why but it hurt to see her leave

I stood there confused for a few seconds before walking back. I looked for Bill through the crowd of people

" PINETREE!" I heard Bill yell. I turned around and was attacked by a hug from him

" Haha hi Bill" I said happily

" Don't wander off again I thought I lost you" He said slightly scared. I smiled at him

" Ok I wont" I said. He gave me a small pie in a box

" I got it for you" He said calmly. I looked at it happily

" Thank you Bill" I said excited

~~Another Time Skip~~~

Bills POV~~~~~

It the next day or well the ball day anyways. I wasn't allowed to leave the castle so I asked Blue and Wolf to go to T.J's house and help Dipper get ready for the ball. Blue was excited because it involved dressing someone up

I was forced to stay in the castle since my dad didn't want me to run off and not be apart of this whole ball. T.J talked me through the day saying that it will be fine since pinetree's going to be there. I told T.J the plan and he told me that it was both smart and stupid. I took it as a compliment since hes never told me a plan of mine was smart

Dippers POV~~~~~~

The ball was going to start in two hours. T.J told me that two of his friends were coming over to help me get ready which only scared me a bit. I asked T.J for books and before he left he gave me a few. I read them until his friends showed up to help me

Blue's POV~~~~~~

Me and Wolf were walking to T.Js house to help someone for the ball

" Arent you excited Wolf. This is going to be fun" I said happily skipping around

" Oi mate don't you think this is a little strange" She said confused. I shrugged

" Not really mate " I said teasing her. She glared at me when I said it

" Why are you so rude" She said shaking her head at me. I smiled as I continued skipping

" Im not rude im just having some fun" I said still happy

We finally made it to T.Js house. Wolf was about to knock the door before I just opened the door and walked in

" Your supposed to knock" She said irritated with me. I turned around and stuck my tonged out at her. She shook her head as I looked around

" Hey uh Dipper? Its Blue and Wolf where here to help you" I said out loud hoping he'd respond. I heard footsteps upstairs. I looked towards the staircase and I saw the most adorable male walking down

I couldn't helped it and I ran and hugged him tight

" OMG YOUR SO ADORABLE" I yelled excited. I let go as I barely heard him say he couldn't breath

" Sorry I couldn't resist" I said walking back

" Im sorry about her love" Wolf told him while glaring at me. I rolled my eyes but smiled

" Were here to help you out" I said happily. He smiled at us kindly

" Thanks" He said happily

He's so adorable


That's the end of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy! See you next chapter :)

Also sorry for the long wait for this chapter

For anyone who wants to know about my OC's Blue and Wolf:

Blue: She has an pixie hair cut. Her hairs a light blue. Her eyes are blue. Shes pale. She tends to always wear a white hoodie and light blue or white shorts. Light blue high tops. Shes part dragon

Wolf: She has brown hair that's part on the side and she has a natural white streak on her hair. She normally wears black pants or shorts black shirt or hoodie. She also has three scars above her eye. She has hazel eyes. She always wears a lot of rings

umm any other questions about them just leave a comment and ill try and answer :)

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