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Dippers POV~~~~~~

Bill told them the whole story about how he had found me and how we planned on making me look like a princess for the ball. The king did not seem so pleased at the beginning. Both queens looked shocked for the whole story. By the ending they all looked confused and shocked

The king got up and simply left the room. He didn't say anything and showed no emotion. My mom walked up with me with tears in her eyes. She gave me a tight hug and kissed my cheek

" oh.... my baby" She whispered. She looked at me happy and continued hugging me. I smiled as I hugged her back

We let go and she hugs Bill with a warm smile. I looked over to see the queen. She came over and hugged me

" I just want to say, I know how a male looks in a dress and although you could pass as a female I knew since the moment I met you" She whispered. I looked at her shocked and she smiled at me warmly. Then puts her finger on her lips. I smiled as she went over to Bill

After a bit we left the room and headed to the throne room. Where the king sat on his throne clearly thinking

The queen walked more quicker making her way to his side and holding his hand. He looked up at her and simply smiled then turned to us. He got up and walked over to us leaving the queen standing at the thrones

" Mason, as I recall I told you in the cave that I wanted my son to marry as soon as possible" The king said calmly. I nodded in understanding

" I never really gave a second thought about the gender, I guess I had always assumed it would be a female. However..... if you are still willing to marry Bill then I will make an exception this time" He said giving me a small smiled. I looked at him in shock


Don't get me wrong its great to hear him say that but like? what??

" Well.... I guess if you are all ok with it.. then I guess lets continue the wedding" I said smiling warmly at the three. The king nodded in approval. I looked over at Bill and he gave me a warm smile

The King and both Queens stayed in the throne room chatting while me and Bill went to his room. The two of us laid on his bed talking about random things

" Pinetree?" Bill said quietly

" yeah" I said looking up at him as he looked away

" do you really want to marry me? Not just because my dad approves or anything" He said worried. I sat up right and made him look at me

" What makes you think I don't want to marry you?... Bill im not doing it because of anything. The only reason why I am is because I love you. More than I thought I would ever love anyone.... you helped me leave a place I felt so trapped in. you showed me freedom and showed me all these amazing things I never thought or dreamed of seeing. I want you to keep showing me all these things I never could in my life so far. I guess you can really say I lived under a rock my whole life until now" I said excited and jokingly. I saw him smile at me

I felt his hand on my cheek moving a piece of my hair that fell while I talked. And soon I felt his lips on mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss back

The moment was ruined when we heard someone yell

" BLUE NO!" We separated looking at each other confused before the door burst opened

" AWWW.. You just had to yell didn't you Wolf" Blue said annoyed. She crossed her arms glaring at Wolf who showed up a few seconds later. Wolf shook her head in disappointment

" Sorry mates, if Blue ruined anything. Come on mate we need to get going. Remember we need to go do something important" Wolf said slightly sten. Blue rolled her eyes

" What ever MATE" Blue said annoyed walking out the room. Wolf rolled her eyes before looking back at us

" Im really sorry mates but she heard about how the King and Queen still except the marriage and she got excited. Anyways I have to go see you later" Wolf said kindly. She left the room closing the door as she left

I laughed and Bill joined me

Those two are really something

" Pinetree?" Bill said calmly

" yeah?" I said confused

" Shall we continue what we started?" He said smirking. I felt my face heat up

" maybe" I said smiling. He looked at me confused before I kissed him. I could feel him smile before kissing me back

I felt him bite my bottom lip but I decided to mess with him

" pinetree don't tease me" He said quietly. I looked at him confused

" I don't know what you are talking about" I said calmly. He shook his head and kissed me again

He licked my lips and bite my bottom lip over and over again. But I wouldn't budge and soon I was pinned on the bed with an annoyed Bill on top of me

I laughed as he looked at me a little annoyed

" Pinetree, I know you know exactly what youre doing and I don't like it" He said calmly. I smiled at him innocently

" Im just messing with you Bill. A little teasing don't get mad about it" I said chuckling after. I saw him roll his eyes but smiled anyways

He kissed me and this time I didn't tease him anymore. But it wasn't long until we heard a knock on the door

I heard Bill groan in annoyance and I laughed

" Come in" Bill said annoyed as he got up. I sat up calming down

" Hello? Sorry but I need to speak to Mason. Oh and Bill your father wants to see you in his office. Quickly" The queen said calmly. I could tell Bill was annoyed. I got up and followed her as Bill made his way to his dads office

This was fun


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. See you all next chapter


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