"It's Been So Long.."

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Reds POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood outside in the outdoor garden waiting for her to pick up. I felt nervous. I never really kept in contact with her

Ring, Ring

" Hello?" I heard through the phone. I felt a little panicked

" H-hey.. ummm Angie?" I said trying to calm down

" oh my.. Red?" She said confused

" Yeah... sorry for not texting you often or-" but I was cut off before I could finish my apology

" OH MY GOODNESS ITS BEEN SO LONG! How are you doing? What brings you to call me? and don't worry I don't mind" She said happily

" Yeah it has.. I've been great. I kinda met someone.. But I didn't call you to talk about me. I wanted to know if you still work at the Gleeful kingdom. In the castle?" I said calmly. i heard her sigh before she answered

" yes. I still do. Why?" She said confused

" Well.. We think our friend is in the castle because of Gideon" I said worried

" Chocolate brown hair and eyes. Really pale? yeah. He is. He's in Gideon's rooms right now. He's okay don't worry I'm keeping watch on him making sure Gideon doesn't do anything to him. Just like I promised" She said happily before quieting down

" Oh thank god. We were all so worried. Listen I need to use one my IOU's from you. My friends and I are trying to get Dipper back because what happened long ago is happening now. And we don't want it to repeat" I said worried

" I know. You don't have to waste your IOU from me on this. We promised together we would stop this when it happens again. I had a plan but if you want you guys can come up with an idea and I get tell you the easiest way in and out of the castle. I could probably meet up with you guys to help you plan it out?" She said calmly

" That would be very helpful. I'll tell everyone the news and then we can meet up with you somewhere secret so you don't look too suspicious" I said happily

" Ok I'll see you later then, bye Red" She said happily

" Ok bye then Angie" I said proudly. We hung up and I made my way back to the castle

" Hey guys I have some big news" I said entering the castle finding a few of them in the kitchen

"Did she answer? Does she still work there?" Tyler said calmly standing up straight from leaning on the counter

"Yeah she still works there. And she's keeping an eye on Dipper and she's willing to help us get him out of there. She said she could meet us in secret so we can build a plan and she can tell us if its a fool proof plan" I said happily. They looked shocked but glad

"Alright then. Lets go tell the others" Wolf said happily walking quickly out of the kitchen. We all followed meeting in the castle library

We all sat around a table as I waited for her to pick up again

"Hey Red. What's up!" I heard her say warmly

"Nothing much but I have my gang here so we can all agree on where to meet" I said calmly

"Oh Ok. Well I'm the doctor here and I'm supposed to check up on your friend every hour but I have a two hour break since I practically black mailed Gideon for it a long time ago" She said laughing at the end. The two of them are really close friends so I didn't have to worry about her life when I heard she black mailed him

" Ok well I know this abandon cabin in the woods I can go wait for you somewhere and show up to it and I'll have my gang waiting there for us"

"Yeah sure. I hope you guys can wait until tomorrow though since I already had my break for lunch. But don't worry im making sure he's ok. If you want I can tell him you guys are getting a plan to get him out so he doesn't worry about you guys or anything"

"Yes please. Im sure he's freaking out right now and I feel bad. Anyways tell him that we're looking for him and we promise we will get him out. Please"

"That's a big promise. Remember to never make big promises if you're not sure you can keep them" She said in a worried tone

"I know.... But im certain we won't break this promise" I said determined. I heard a soft chuckle

"Alright then. See you guys tomorrow. I'll text you when I get on my break so you can tell me where to go"

" Ok. Thanks again Angie. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye"


And with our final goodbye I hung up

" We are getting our full plan tomorrow. But don't worry Angie said she'll be watching out for Dipper" I said happily. Bill looked a little annoyed but relief that Dipper was ok

" Then lets get a good sleep tonight so we can be ready for anything tomorrow" Tyler said calmly. We all agreed and went off our separate ways

I headed back to the garden outside. I sat down on one of the cement benches

"Hey" I heard. I looked over to see Blue smiling at me as she sat down next to me

" You ok?" She said calmly. I nodded

" Yeah" I said looking back at the view

"Thanks for helping us out. If it wasn't for you I don't think we would know what we do right now" She said looking at the view as well

"It's not a problem. After all he seems nice. He's also the only one who can stand Bill" I said and we both laughed

"Blue?" I said as I calmed down from the laughter

"Yeah?" She said a little worry in her voice

"Do you think we will ever get married. Or be happy like Bill and Dipper?" I said calmly looking at the view with sad eyes

"Of course we will. Red.." She said grabbing my chin making me look at her

"We always found a way before. We'll find a way again. And again. And however long more. Ok?" She said looking at me with determination in her eyes

" and if we can't... at what point does it make it impossible for us to keep going forward?" I mumbled quietly with tear threatening to fall

" we always have other ways to go. Like up. or down. Or around. left or right. There's nothing in this world that can stop us. Trust me" She said grabbing my hands

"ok" I said quietly. We hugged and a few tears had finally fallen as I closed my eyes

" I trust you"


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed the sappy story. I'll see you guys next chapter


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