Knight in Shining Armor

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Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My heart sank when I locked eyes with pinetree. I looked at Gideon with hatred

"Let him go Gleeful" I said walking towards them carefully
He stepped back with pinetree clicking the gun

"Don't get any closer unless you want him dead" he said like venom to me
I glared at him as he smirked seeing me stand still
"Listen hes my future queen of this dumb kingdom and nothing's going to change that got it! Now you go run along back to your kingdom and forget about him because I'm not giving him back" he said with crazy eyes as he smiled

"Your insane. And let me just say that's a lot coming from me. Give him back he doesn't belong to you" I said calmly. I tighten my fish against my side as I looked at him and pinetree

"He doesn't belong to you either Cipher. If anything your probably using mind tricks on him. Like the demon you are" he said smirking. I couldn't take it anymore from him

I stepped forward before the ringing of the gun ran through the air

I looked at him in shock and stood still

My eyes widen as he continued to smirk like it was nothing......

Pinetrees eyes were filled with terror as he stared back at me

"That was just a warning. You clearly don't believe me when I say I'll shoot him" Gleeful said annoyed

"Fine then.... let's end this stupid fight... just you and me.... fist only" I said with confidence. He smiled before shoving pinetree to the side

I turned around and locked eyes with Wolf. She knew what I meant and quickly got everyone to run to pinetree

I saw them help him up. I looked back at Gideon as he stood in a fighting stance

"Get him out of here. Take him back to the castle. What ever happens. Don't bring him back here" I said calmly as I looked back at everyone. They all nodded but Pinetree shook his head

"WHAT! IM NOT LEAVING YOU!" He yelled worried.

"Please pinetree I don't want you to get hurt" I said as I watch his eye fill with worry. He ran up to me hugging me. I hugged him back
"Please be safe. And come back to the castle with me" he mumbled quietly. I smiled before responding
"Of course I will"
We separated with a final smile before he ran back to the other. They all quickly headed towards the woods with pinetree giving me one last glance before entering

"Just you and me Cipher" Gleeful said in a fighting stance
"Whatever kid let's get this over with" I said getting in a fighting stance
He ran towards me quickly throwing the first punch. I blocked it before he moved quickly behind me hitting my back
I got up quickly throwing punches at him
It seemed to be an even match before I had tripped him over making him fall back

I was about to finish this stupid fight before his worried face turned to a grin. He pulled out a dagger from his pocket stabbing it into my left leg

I groaned in pain as I tried to move away as quickly as I could
I tried getting the dagger out as more came flying towards me
So much for just punches
As I finally got the dagger out I threw it as best I could towards Gideon
Luckily I managed to get his left arm
I ran quickly to the other daggers he threw at me but missed
I threw all of them but I had only manage to hit his right leg twice before he threw another dagger hitting my right arm

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