Happy Ending...

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and it seemed to still be dark out. I looked around and as I tried getting up something was weighing me down. I look over to see Bill. I smiled as I played with his hair a little before falling back asleep

As I woke up a second time I was disappointed that I was alone this time. I got up and took a quick shower. After getting dressed I headed over to the dining room for breakfast

"Hey Dip how are you? I can begin to imagine how much work your getting into today" Blue said walking calmly next to me. I looked at her confused

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you heard? Things got messed up after you vanished and now were all doing a last minute planning. In other words all that hard work you did for like 1-2 months is all thrown out the window" She said with very dramatic hand gestures. I laughed a little at her description

"Well great.... When you say were you mean who exactly?"

" I mean literally everyone in the castle. I mean you're going to be a king soon and so is Bill so this is like a big thing for everyone here and after that whole fiasco this needs to be a step up from the last one" Blue said excited. I shook my head and laughed as we entered the dining room

" I'll see you later dipper I got to go. DUTY CALLS" She yelled as she walked out the room quickly. I chuckled and sat down

"Hello Dipper! What would you like today?" Red said happily as she walked over to me

"Hi Red. Im not sure how about you surprise me" I said happily. She nodded and quickly left. It didn't take to long for her to return with a plate of pancakes and a cup of milk

"You have a big day ahead of you so I think you're going to need the energy. See you later Dipper" She said calmly. We waved good-bye and I ate my food

After I finished I walked around the castle until I finally found Bill

"Pinetree how are you? Sorry I left without you but my father needed to see me early and I didn't want to wake you" He said kissing my forehead after. I smiled

"Its okay. So what the deal with today. I've seen a few servants running around when I woke up"

" Oh yeah my parents want the wedding to 'resume' as fast as possible so it will happen most likely tomorrow" He said scratching the back of his neck. I smiled warmly before grabbing his hand

" Then I guess we better start planning fast" I said happily. I smiled before dragging me along our new appointments

~~~Time Skip~~~ Swoosh~~

By the end of the day I was tired. It was so difficult for me to keep my eyes open. We ran around the castle with different choices to make once again. Bill's parents wanted to change everything, nothing the same as the day of the accident and all I can say is why. But I could never actually say it

I decided to do something before I headed to my room. This night me and Bill couldn't sleep together since we had to get ready basically as soon as we woke up. I walked around the barely lit castle halls. I quietly opened a few doors before finally entering my destination. I walked over to one of the corners and revealed the secret room

I knelt down to the glowing flowers. I thought about what I was doing before finally touching a petal and soon a wave of tiredness washed over me


I woke up in my bed. As I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes I heard a knock on my door

"come in" I said quietly but enough to be heard. I saw the girls enter my room with warm smiles

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