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Bills POV~~~~~~

I was so confused on what just happened. The flowers started glowing and then both of them fell asleep and then only dipper woke up and his song???

I stayed were I was confused until Dipper showed up again

" Sorry about the wait its just Ford doesn't like people entering this cave" He said fidgeting with his sleeve

" Really? why is that" I said confused

" Well" He said looking over the flowers that no longer glowed

" Those flowers are really important to him and technically so am I but..." He said looking at the ground sad

" But?" I said making him look up. I saw him get flustered

" Well its just- that uh- I-" He saw his face get red. I laughed as he got more red

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. I just completely stopped when he made me look at him. Ugh I hate myself

" Im sorry" He said kindly. I looked away from him angry at myself. I took a deep breath out and calmed down

" Why are you here?" I said confused. I kept my eyes away from him but I knew he was giving me a confused look

" Well I was looking for the Dream flowers with a good friend of mine before we separated and I got lost then as I was wondering around the forest until I came to a group of wolves were I got scratched and bitten by then as I was running away from them I hide behind a big rock and when I leaned back I fell through the veins and that's how I got here" He said exhausted in the end. I look at him shock

" Im sorry but I cant give you the flowers. Their Fords greatest achievement and hes kept them here for as long as ive been alive and if anything happened to any of them he'd kill me" I said scared. I looked at him sad. He looked at me confused. We stayed in silence before I got an idea

" Wait a minute. Ford said he'd be gone for a week and...." I said quietly and I got my biggest worst idea ive ever had

" Can you take me to your kingdom and show me around the forest?" I said excited

" But didn't this Ford guy tell you not to?" He said confused

" I know I know but I have a deal for you" I said. He looked more interested

" im listening" He said calmly

" If you take me to your kingdom and show me through the forest ill give you one of those flowers" I said pointing at the Dream Flowers. He looked at me confused

" But you said cant-" He said before I cut him off

" It wont matter. He wont find out. So deal?" I said a little scared about this. I saw him smirk and put his hand out

" Deal" He said happily. I shook his hand

" Deal" I said calmly. I had so many mix emotions

" So then shall we get going?" He said happily. I looked at him confused

" Were going right now?" I said confused

" Uh yeah?" He said confuse by my confusion

" oh" I said quietly. He smiled and messed with my hair. I pushed his hand away as I led him to the entrance of the cave

" Just a tip watch where you step. There might be a few twigs on the forest ground" Bill said calmly. I looked at him confused and looked at the ground

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