Trapped Dream

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once I finished my sentence it was dead silent. The whispers of the guards were no more. I stood there glaring at Ford waiting for him to answer

I didn't pay attention to anyone but Ford. He looked at me like he's seen a ghost. I waited for the answer

" what are you talking about?" he mumbled quietly. I continued glaring

" I said, am I the lost prince of the fallen pines kingdom" I said calmly holding my anger together

" I- I don't..... How?... what makes you think that" He said stuttering before slowly getting angry. I never broke my gaze

" you clearly know something that i don't. So spill it. I want to hear you tell me what you know about me that i don't know already" I said a little mad

" tch what makes you think i haven't told you everything already. After all i took care of you your whole life. You should know everything about yourself more than me" He said breaking contact. He looked away from me clearly not wanting to make anymore contact. He crossed his arms looking annoyed

I got my hands out of the chains. Once i did i felt a hand on my shoulder

" pinetree" i heard Bill's voice whisper at me. I touched his hand and held it for a few seconds before i brushed his hand away from me. I crossed my arms and walked closer to Ford

" I said i wanted to know what you know about me. Something i don't already know" I stopped about two feet away from Ford. He looked at me annoyed

" What am i supposed to tell you-"

" WHO MY REAL PARENTS ARE? WHY THE HELL YOU DECIDED TO KEEP CARE OF ME? WHY YOU DIDNT JUST SEND ME TO AN ORPHANAGE" I yelled with anger. He looked at me in shock. a few gasps were heard from the guards behind me. i knew everyone was staring at me in shock

" Tch fine you really want to know you little bitch, ill tell you." He said angry, he crossed his arms before he continued

" your real mom left you when you were only about a year old. She left you at my door step of this cabin we are right now. She left a note explaining why she had left you at my door. Your mother is the queen of the pines kingdom. Your real name is Mason Alcor Pines. There HAPPY? The only reason i didn't put you in an orphanage was when i found out you were passed down that stupid power to control those damn flowers. Besides the hunt to find you and your mother was happening and i didn't want to be questioned when they found you so i hid you away in that cave with the flowers i found in that cave. If it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here. I also wouldn't have found those creatures." He said angry and annoyed

I looked at him in shock and I knew everyone behind me were even more shocked

So that lady really was telling the truth..

Which also means shes hiding something. She said she wanted it a secret a little longer.... Which means.....

I quickly ran passed everyone. I heard Ford and everyone else yell at me to go back. I dropped the backpack and ran as fast as I could to the kingdom. I ran so fast I couldn't hear anyone yelling at me to stop

I ran into the town quickly after a few minutes and I looked around franticly looking for that lady. I looked around the town running around the place. I couldn't find her at all. I decided to head behind the buildings to look around. I spent about half an hour looking for her

I finally found her in the town square at a fruit stand. I tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and was shocked to see me. I whispered so she could only hear me

" I need to speak to you in private. like right now" I said nervous. She nodded to me and paid for her fruit before grabbing my hand and leading me behind some buildings. She took her hood off and looked t me warmly. I was nervous to ask but I had an urge to think my guess was correct

" What is it dear?" She said kindly. I looked at her nervous. I played with the end of my shirt thinking about how to ask her

" I just... I wanted to know if.... Well if you can tell me who my real mother is...

I just... I just want to know if what im guessing is correct... I feel like I already know who it is but I- I want to make sure about it.." I said nervous. I don't know why but I just felt unsure about whether I really wanted to know or not

I felt this is all some dream and im just stuck in the flowers magic and I cant wake up for some reason. I felt my chest ache. I couldn't breath. I was scared

So nervous

I was worried about what would happen next

Unsure of what I would do

Unsure how the rest of my life will play out

Waiting to wake up to Ford yelling at me

Waiting for him to lecture me about the safety of the flowers

I didn't want to believe this was all real

The words she said next made my heart stop

I don't know why but I wanted to wake up

I didn't want this to be real

I wanted this trapped dream to be over

That what I heard was just some nightmare

I cant say why... Why it hurt to hear those words... Why I wasn't crying..... Why I was so lifeless at the moment..... Why my head spun instead of being full of questions





Why hadn't I just listen. Stayed quiet. Wait for Ford to come back just a few more minutes. I would have never left that cave. I wouldn't have ever seen the outside world.... That cave would have been all I see for my whole life. Wondering about the world. Just listen.. why cant I do the simplest thing?


I really need to listen

Listen to what she said

Believe what she said

Trust her....

After all she said it her self

" Im your mother, my baby boy" Tears in her eyes. She hugged me as tears fell down her face. And I stood there

Thats the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry for the whole dipper questioning everything. Anyways see you guys next chapter!


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