Will you...

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at Bill confused. He stopped talking and looked at the ground. His face was all red

" Bill? what is it" I said quietly. I looked at me worried. I wasn't sure how to feel. I was worried what was going on but Im also confused

" I- uh sigh im sorry pinetree" He said turning around. He was facing the ground

" Bill... Are you ok? Do you need to go back to the castle?" I said worried. I wasn't sure what was going on with him. Usually hes either flirting or simply talking with me but now he cant even say a whole sentence to me

" No I don't. I just- I want to tell you something.... But I don't know if its a good idea to say since- well our whole situation I guess." He said confused. I hugged him from behind since he never turned to face me

" just tell me. whatever happens next happens.... you will always miss an opportunity if you don't take the risk to try it out.... a long time ago someone told me that, i never took the advice and now look at me.. i ended up getting stuck living in a cave my whole life never seeing the outside world... until I met you..... I finally decided to take that advice and now.... im glad i took my chance" I said calmly. I hugged him tighter as i felt a few tears in my eyes. We stayed silent for a few minutes before he spoke

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~


Take the chance while you still can.....

" Pinetree?" I said leaving his embrace. I looked at him his eyes with a few tears threatening to fall. I put my hands on his cheeks and a few tears had fallen. i wiped them away with my thumbs and look him in the eyes

" pinetree.

Will you

marry me?"

i said looking at him calmly a little worried for what will happen. I saw his eyes widen in shock. I stayed there with my hands still on his cheeks. I saw his face get more and more red. I saw him begin to cry and i got worried




WHAT DID I DOOOO??!!!?!??!?!

" PINETREE" I said scared. I heard him begin to laugh shaking his head

" Im sorry, im sorry i-" He couldn't speak he continued laughing. I looked at him confused

" Sigh ok. I will" He said happily. I looked at him confused for a few seconds before i realized his answer. I started laughing. I quickly hugged him and he hugged me back

" Hahahaha" we both began to laugh. We cried tear of joy

I put my forehead on his as we calmed down from our laughter. I smiled as we continued hugging. I couldn't be more relieved and happy right now. All my worries were gone


For the moment....

" Bill?" I heard pinetree say quietly.

" yeah?" I said as I looked at him. He looked worried

" What about your father. He thinks im a female not a male. were gonna have to tell him at some point" He said worried in his eyes as he looked away from me. I made him look at me

" Listen pinetree, lets not worry about that right now ok? Lets just give him the news for now and well tell later. Before or after the wedding it doesn't matter, but I promise you we will tell him at some point" I said determined. He smiled at me and hugged me once more. I hugged him back and we stayed silent for a few more minutes

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