Awkward Silence

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" So? They are coming for me?" I said confused as I stared at the doctor

"Yup. Remind me your name again?" She said a little nervous

"Oh I never told you. My names Dipper, I guess technically Alcor but I cant really say" I said calmly. She looked at me confused

"Weren't you that kid that went missing a long time ago?" She said clearly lost

"Yeah. I.. don't really want to talk about it" I mumbled quietly

"Sorry for bringing it up its just the name reminded me" She said with empathy and guilt in her voice

" No its fine. Anyways I get leave this place right?" I said changing the subject

" hmm yup! But I cant say exactly when so you just need to be patient ok?" She said calmly. I nodded. She quickly changed my bandages on my arm and checked to make sure nothing else was needed and soon she left

"Can you tell me your name?" I said before she closed the door

"I never told you did I? Well its Angie" She said calmly. I smiled and nodded and soon she left closing the door

After a few minutes the door opened again. This time it was the creepy dude. I finally remembered his name
"My angel~ I was thinking maybe you would like to head over to the castle garden or I could show you around the town as everyone would need to see who their future queen is" he said smirking
"Future queen? Who said I was ever going to marry you?" I said confused and mad. He sent me a glare and I slowly regretted saying that

"Have you forgotten the rules here Angel?" He said walking over to me keeping his death glare on me. I leaned back as he walked closer clearly not hiding my fear

"I- " I tried speaking but I lost my voice. He raised an eyebrow but I stayed quiet

"Well then... I guess you haven't earned leaving the room yet. Fine then" He said walking out the door. I winced as I heard the door slam close

" great. that's what I get for not thinking" I mumbled quietly. I sat on the bed looking out the window

What if I just jump and run?



Red's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We walked through the forest towards the Gleeful kingdom. No one talked which made me feel nervous and anxious

As we continued walking I couldn't help but feel awkward. Its been a while since we have gone on an adventure all together as a gang like before. I didn't want to speak to start a conversation but I really wanted someone to say something

After a while of me dying of awkwardness I felt someone's hand on mine. I looked over to see Blue's hand holding mine. When I looked at her she kept her gaze up front. I smiled knowing this is what she does when she's trying to be sneaky

I walked closer to her feeling a little more comfortable

Soon we finally reached the cabin

" OH thank god. JEEZ I was TIRED" Ty said yelling as he sat down on a chair inside. I giggled as everyone else rolled their eyes

" Ok then i'll go get Angie, you guys can wait here if you want" I said calmly before heading over to the gleeful kingdom

As I walked I heard footsteps. I hid quietly in case it wasn't Angie. I looked around before climbing a tree and getting an over view

"What do you think about that new 'queen' or whatever of Gideon's" A guard said. Their voice wasn't deep so it wasn't one of the people the others had described

"I mean he sounds nice from what Angie has said but im not sure I haven't seen him" The other said calmly

"I think its weird that he calls him Angel. Just saying. Also isn't it weird that they have only ever met once?" The first guard said

"Oh yeah huh? Gideon said he continuously met with him but he hasn't been allowed to leave the castle since the Cipher Ball because he's been swamped with his royal duties" The second guards said. I was confused but I kept following them to hear them. I jumped through the trees quietly

"Now that you mention it yeah he has. I wonder if the rest of the castle knows about that? I'm sure Angie knows after all she's the only close one to him that he will speak kindly to. I've seen him before he's really pale. But when you think about it I get it more and more as to why he calls him Angel" The first guard said

"This makes me want to see him now. I wonder if he's nice? What if he acts an-" I accidentally slipped on a branch and quickly grabbed another branch making a lot of noise. I caught the guards attention so I quickly climbed as high as I could and tried my best to stay hidden from view

" WHO'S THERE" They both yelled. I stayed silent

I heard feet moving toward us

" Hey idiot's why are you talking about Gideon behind his back. Huh?" A new voice said. It was Angie

"No we weren't- we were just uh... We were just talking about the new Queen" One of them said

"That involves Gideon idiot. Jeez.. head back to the kingdom before I tell Gideon that you two were talking trash about his Angel" Angie said very threatening

"WHAT? That's not true though?" The other said fearful

"Ok and? You think he's gonna believe you two or me?" She said calmly. There was a small silence and soon I heard metal moving quickly. I looked over to see the guards heading towards the Gleeful kingdom

Once they were out of view I jumped down the tree to see Angie smiling at me. I smiled back and quickly hugged her

" Hey Red! Its been so long" Angie said warmly. I nodded lost for words

" You don't look like you've aged since I've last seen you" She said as we separated

"I could thank my dragon side for that" I said calmly

"But you don't look so different either" I added

"Oh hush I've changed a few things. Anyways lead the way so we can get this over with" She said happily. I nodded and led the way back to the cabin

Lets get this over with

Once and for all


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry for the long wait. School's only getting harder to handle :/ But im holding on. Anyways I'll see you guys next chapter

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