♥ "can i do your hair?" ♥

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ethan and i were currently hanging out in his room, just enjoying each other's company.

"hey y/n, could i do hair?" ethan asked, running his hands through my hair as i laid on his lap.

"sure" i replied, continuing to scroll through my phone.

ethan quickly ran into the bathroom and came back with a brush and some hair ties that i left. 

"ok y/n, can you please sit on the floor?" he pleaded, tossing all the stuff onto the bed.

"fine. only because i love you" i groaned, slumping down onto the floor. he immediately began to brush my hair, then proceeded to try a braid.

"ugh, this is so hard! how do you girls do this?" he exclaimed, brushing out my hair again. so far all he had managed to do was a giant knot.

"here e, you just go like this" you explain, braiding a small strand of my hair.

"ooooh!" he exclaimed, then began to properly braid my hair. 

"now make sure you-"

"y/n relax. just close your eyes and relax." he said, continuing to braid my hair.

"alright..." i sigh, resting my back against his knees.

"man, your hair is so pretty" he mumbles, trying his best to concentrate.

"aww, thank you" I blushed, grinning ear to ear.

"alright, i'm done" he says, handing me the mirror. i was a bit nervous but when i looked, it was perfect.

"ethan, it looks amazing! this is better than i could do!" i squealed, running my hands over the braid.

"really? you like it?" he asks, placing a kiss on top of my head.

"i love it" i replied, planting a kiss on his nose, causing him to blush.

"well, i love you" he replied, then kisses my nose.


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