♥ crush ♥

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"y/n, this is ethan"

"ethan, this is y/n"

we both looked at each other as we shook each other's hands.

after that, we both split up and did our own thing.

a few months later

"y/n, help me and get your friend away from me please" my friend says jokingly to me. "who? him?" i pointed at ethan. "yea! he keeps annoying me!"  she crosses her arms. i just stand there and laugh. "what did i do? all i'm trying to do is pronounce your last name" ethan looks at my best friend. my best friend has a very long and complicated last name. even i have trouble pronouncing it sometimes.

she helps out ethan say her last name but ethan acts stupid and says it all wrong. "you know what? i'm done. bye!" she makes a peace sign as she walks away. me and ethan look at each other and laugh.

a few weeks later

"hey ethan, lets go by the campfire" i point towards the campfire that no one was around. "sure" he nods and we both walk to it. "oh my gosh, its so much warmer here..." i say as i stick my arms out, feeling the warmth of the fire. it was a cold night during camping and the campfire was the best place to be.

as i stuck my arms out, i looked at my hands. "hmmm..." ethan looks at me. "what?" he asks. "this looks like a nice picture..." i create a heart with my hands and smile at it. he does the same. "yea, it does!"  he chuckles. "well, lets take a picture then!" i take out my phone. 

"um...can you make the heart?" i look at ethan. "sure" he makes the heart and i try taking the picture by tippy toeing and hovering the phone from the side of him. i groan struggling. ethan notices and laughs. 

"here, how about i take the picture" he grabs my phone. "uh, yea. sure" i smile. "ok, make the heart" he says and i make the heart. as i was looking at the heart i made with my hands, ethan wrapped his arms around me, resting his arms on my shoulders and took the picture.

 as i was looking at the heart i made with my hands, ethan wrapped his arms around me, resting his arms on my shoulders and took the picture

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(that's what the picture looks like ⬆⬆, and yes, those are my hands)

i started to blush. luckily it was night time and dark so he couldn't see me. he gave the phone back, smiling and acting like nothing happened. i took it back and looked at the picture then up at him.


"no problem"


its was christmas time and i was looking around the store for presents. i gathered all the presents in the cart. as i was walking i saw bracelets with names on them. i walked over to them and looked for ethan's name. 

"ethan, ethan, oh! ethan!" i smiled as i grabbed the bracelet that had ethan's name on it. i payed for it the went home. 


"merry christmas!"

everyone cheered. ethan and i looked at each other and smiled. we all ate dinner, talked, and now was time for presents.

"i hope you like it" smile nervously, giving ethan his present. he looks at it and smiles. he then unwraps it and opens up the little box. he looks up at me and his smile get wider. "it has my name on it.." he says and i nod. 

"do you like it?" i ask. he chuckles, putting on. 

"i love it"


i walked in and saw everyone dancing and having fun. i looked around and saw ethan he saw me and walked over. 

"hey, y/n"

"hey ethan" i smiled. "wanna dance?" he held his hand out. "of course" i giggled and took his hand as he lead me to the dance floor.

the whole time, me and ethan danced and sang to every song. we had a great time.


i walked in and instantly saw ethan. he looked so nice.

"wow, this party is...wow" my best friend says. just then i see ethan approaching us. i smiled.

"hey eth-"

"hey guys, nice to see you again" ethan says to my best friends, totally ignoring me. i watched as he talked to my best friends. i was basically invisible to him!

the whole party ethan would avoid me, or just pretend i'm not there.

whats with him? did i do something wrong?

graduation [now]

everyone cheered and hugged each other. as me and my best friends had out little celebration, i saw ethan talking to his brother, hugging him. i decided to go up to him and talk.

"hey guys" i smiled at the both of them. "hey y/n" grayson smiled. "i'm gonna go talk to them over there" ethan was about to walk away until grayson stopped him. "say hi to y/n" even when grayson said that, he just walked away and went to his other friends.

"gray, whats wrong? why is he avoiding me? did i do something wrong? does he hate me?" i dump all these questions on him. "no, no! its just that...he thinks that you like him" he says.

"w-whaaaat? no! i-i don't" i say.

"he also likes someone"

now that broke my heart. yes. i do like him. but it looks like he doesn't like back. he likes someone else...


a/n: true story. its my story. except the graduation, i didn't graduate yet, it was in another place but that still happened. i'm heartbroken. but i just gotta suck it up and move on...hehe...💔

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