Someone is jealous

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[Jisoo pov]
It was finally the end of the day i was packing my stuff until i heard a voice

"Hey~" a boys voice said i look up and saw a boy

"oh hi, can i help you?" i ask him"Oh yeah, your friends with rosé right?" he ask"Yes why?" i ask again"Can you tell me where she lives?" he ask"Wait

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"oh hi, can i help you?" i ask him
"Oh yeah, your friends with rosé right?" he ask
"Yes why?" i ask again
"Can you tell me where she lives?" he ask
"Wait....who are you exactly?" i ask
"oh i'm park jimin" he said smilling at me
"oh yeah...the annoying boy rosé was talking about" i mumble
"Is something wrong?" he ask
"oh nothing" i said and look up at him while i gave him my awkward smile
"Oh, can you tell me?" he ask
"Tell you what?" i ask
"Where rosé lives?" he said
"Oh! Sorry but me and rosé live together and i'm not comfortable of telling someone where we lives with a boy i just met, well if you excuse me i will be going now" i said and left the classroom
"Woah, he is really annoying" i said while looking back at the classroom while walking, then i bump into someone
"Yah! Watch where your going!" a boy said angrily
"Oh sorry" i said and stand up and i bow at him then i look at the person and omg! It's yoongi
"oh yoongi....sorry again" i said
"Yeah yeah~" he said as he fake yawn, why is he acting so rude all of the suddent
"Well i will be going now....sorry again" i said and ran to my locker, when i was finally there i saw taehyung there
"Oh taehyung!" i said and he turn around
"oh jisoo-sii" he said and he close his locker
"So how was class" i said while i open my locker and put in my stuff
"Well it was bad now it's not" he said i look at him and he was smilling at me he was giving me his box smile
"Oh why?" i ask while i close and lock my locker and i lay my back against my locker
"well i finally saw someone who can make me happy" he said smilling at me
"Who?" i ask but why am i feeling a little jealous
"A girl who is wearing a school uniform" he said
"But who?" i stupidly ask
"She is infront of me" he said i look at the side and saw no one
"Where?" i ask
"Your cute when acting dumb" he said as he pinch my cheeks, no no no i can feel i'm blushing
"ey~someone's blushing" he said teasing me
"Y-yah!" i said
"Hehe" he was gigging it was so cute
"But who is it!!?" i ask again
"Come on! You still don't know?" he ask me
"Yeah" i said
"it's you!" he said
"huh? Me?" i ask
"Yes you!" he said
"Why me?" i ask him
"You just make me happy:" he said, he left me speechless
"Well see you tomorrow jisoo-ah" he said and hug me that made me freeze
"come on, no hug in return?" he said while still hugging me
"There" i said, oh no! My heart is melting right now!

[yoongi pov]
After jisoo ran i follow her she was running to her locker i saw taehyung there too

"Sh*t their locker is right besides each other!" i said

I continue to watch then taehyung starts to hit up on jisoo he even hug her it made me jealous when she hug taehyung back

"Sh*t sh*t, why am'i jelous" i said then after that they broke the hug and taehyung left

"Kim taehyung she is only mine!" i said to my self i look at jisoo again but she is not there

"Where did she go?" i said trying to look for her

[Jisoo pov]
After taehyung left i got a text from rosé
(Unnie we are outside)
She said i then went outside to the entrance of the school and saw them there, but jennie was talking to a boy

"Who is the boy?" i ask lisa and rosé
"Her soon to be boyfriend" they said
"Who is he?" i ask them again
"His name is kai" lisa said then someone back hug rosé we look at the person it was jimin
"Yah!!! Jimin let go!" rosé said trying to escape from jimin's back hug, it made jennie and kai look at them
"Miss me?" jimin ask rosé
"No!!!!" rosé said then we saw taehyung running to us
"Yah! Jimin there you are!" tae said
"Yah!!! Stop your friend" rosé said to tae screaming
"Yah! Jimin!" tae said
"What?" jimin said
"let go of her!" tae said
"No! Your just jealous i found a girl" jimin said
"in your dreams" rosé said.
"you don't even have a girl!" jimin said to tae, then tae pull me to him
"well i have!" tae said
"Tae what are you doing?" i ask him
"She don't even like you, and she dosen't even know you" jimin said
"Well we know each other, actually after i met you we were together talking" he said
"Is that true unnie?" lisa ask
"Well yeah we were talking to the lockers area cause our lockers are right besides each other" i said
"See jimin, while the girl your back hugging now don't even like you" tae said
"now i feel single" lisa said
"Why?" i ask her
"I'm the only one has no partner!" he said
"Hey hyungs!" some said
"Oh jungkook, can you stand besides um" tae said not knowing lisa's name
"Lisa" i said
"Ok" he said, wow a innocent boy that dosen't know anything got fooled
"See now you have a partner" tae said and lisa and jungkook look at each other with big eyes
"Yah! Hyung!" jungkook said screaming
"Unnie!!!!!!!" lisa said screaming
"well maknae i'm so happy for you" i tease lisa
"Wait she is your guys maknae?" tae ask
"Yup" i said
"Omg, jungkook is our maknae too" tae said
"well they are perfect for each other" jennie said and we all laugh
"How about you jisoo?" tae ask
"What about me?" i ask
"Are you the second yongest or the oldest?" he ask
"I'm the oldest in the group" i said
"Ohhh" taehyung said

[yoongi pov]
I saw them hanging out with each other

"Jisoo...." i said i feel jealous right now, not gonna lie
"I will have you in the end...." i said

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