Taehyung ending

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[Jisoo's pov]
I turned to taehyung and then turned to yoongi, i walk to yoongi and hyunso.

"Hyunso-ah, sorry but, me and your father can't be together anymore" i said apologizing to hyunso, taehyung gasp.

"jisoo, you don't have to, you can go with them, your free" taehyung said i turned to him and smiled.

"but i choose you, i just don't think me and yoongi can be together again" i said yoongi nodded.
"i understand you, i respect your choice, besides, you and taehyung are perfect for each other" yoongi said.

"Will i even see you again eomma" hyunso asked
"yes, i'll visit you if i have time" i said smiling at hyunso.

"Okay then, eomma promise to see me again" hyunso said.
"we will go now" yoongi said i nodded and they walked away, i look at them, i feel bad for hyunso.

"You didn't have to choose me you know?" taehyung said standing besides me.
"But i did, and that's my choice, remember our promise?" i asked him looking at him.

"What promise? Theres too many" he asked looking at me.
"I promise we will build our own family" i said his eyes widen.

"Did you choose me so you will not broke our promise?" he asked
"Nope, i choose you cause i love you" i said smiling he smiled and lifted me up.

"i love you more!" he shouted while spining me around, he put me down and i hit him in the chest
"shh! People will hear you" i said he simply laugh.

"i wanted them to know i love you" he said smiling, i can't help but to smile.

(4 years later)
Me and taehyung finally married and have a son, hyunso accepted his brother, even tho they have a different dad, i'm glad they are getting alone, my promise to taehyung come true.

Yoongi found a new girl. They are already married, she's nice to me and hyunso. She took good care of hyunso.

I have hyunso 3 times a week in our house, the other days his in yoongi's house.

I guess this is the end.

[This ending is for team taehyung lol]

[hi it's the author. I know i took too long to edit my story lol, i'm sorry, i'm also sorry for having too many spelling/grammar mistake, i'm too lazy to fix it and i don't really like this story line, thank you all for reading my story, i really appreciate it, thank you!]

[Next story - the ceo is my crush : vsoo ff]

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