His confession

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[Yoongi's pov]
When i came to school i forgot i have to get something on my locker or if jisoo finds out it's me, i mean it's pretty obvious, i open my locker and a white paper fall off my locker i pick it up and read it

'Dear yoongi, i figure you hints now, it wasn't exciting btw, i wanted to meet you today after school on the rooftop meet me at 3:00pm there, i hope to see you


After reading the letter it made me smile
"Well miss pretty i can't wait to meet you" i said smilling to myself

[Taehyung's pov]
I was walking around trying to find namjoon hyung, while looking for namjoon i saw yoongi on his locker, he was reading a letter while smilling, i got interested so i stalk him for a bit
"well miss pretty i can't wait to meet you" yoongi said smilling
"miss pretty?" i ask myself trying where i remember it then i remember it now

It was the first day of school and we all just got home
"The new students are so beautiful!" j hope/hoseok said
"I hope i can be friends with them" j hope said again
"Yeah specially the girl next to me, miss pretty is so beautiful " yoongi said
"Oh!!!!!! Yoongi hyung is in love!" jungkook said
"Want me to kill you?" yoongi said
"Sorry" jungkook said
"Yah! Stop fighting" jin said
"Is it the girl your talking to?" i ask
"Yeah" yoongi said

(End of flashback)
Now i remember where he said miss pretty, it was the first day of school, yoongi's seat mate is jisoo and they are the one who talk the first day of school
"No it can't be jisoo" i said and i look at yoongi again and he was gone
"I guess he went to class, i hope it's not jisoo" i said to myself

[Jisoo's pov]
(After class)
Class is finally all done, i was packing my stuff but someone tap my shoulder
"Unnie let's go home" jennie said
"Sorry jennie...but i have to meet someone" i said
"Oh okay, we will just wait you okay? Me and the girl are gonna wait for you in the car" jennie said
"Sure jennie" i said
"Oh i have something important to tell you at home" jennie said
"Can you tell me now?" i ask her
"Sorry but no....you will find out soon" jennie said
"Fine" i said
"You should go now" jennie said
"Okay, see you at the car" i said and went to the rooftop, and hope yoongi is there

[Yoongi pov]
After class i already went up to the rooftop of course i don't want jisoo to wait for me, i was there waiting for hoping she will come and not a joke

[Jisoo pov]
I ran all up the stairs when i got to the top i was trying to catch my breath but i saw yoongi looking at the view he didn't saw me yet
"Get it together jisoo" i said and walk to yoongi
"Yoongi" i said and he turn around
"Oh jisoo, so you finally know it's me?" he said
"You know it's so obvious" i said
"Are you mad at me for that?" he ask
"Um....kinda" i said and i look at him in the eyes and he look at me in the eyes too we both have an eye contact but i have to look away
"Why? You don't want my eyes looking at yours?" he ask
"No, i'm just s-shy" i said embarrassed
"Oh it's fine" yoongi said
"Well why do you want to meet me after i know it's you?" i ask
"Well i wanted to confess my feelings" yoongi said
"Feelings?" i said confuse
"Yes, since i first met you, and our eyes met, i feel in love with you" he said
"But we only met for only like 4 days" i said
"But i already love you" he said
"B-but how can you love me like that" i ask him
"Cause i feel like you complete me" he said
"But" i said but no words continue to that
"do you love me like i do?" he ask me
"I-i don't know" i said
"But why?" he ask
"I'm afraid that if you get what you want you will leave me, and yes, i think your a playboy, i saw you with others girls not only at school" i said
"But i just used them-" he said but i talk so he can't finish his sentence
"That's why i'm afraid! Cause i think you will just use me" i said looking down
"You are the first girl to make my heart beat fast, i will not use you" he said
"Do you promise that you will not use me or cheat on me or leave me, do you promise me that to keep me happy?" i ask him
"I promise" he said
"Do you really?" i ask him again
"Yes, and so i promise it can i ask you one more thing?" he ask
"What is it" i said and look at his eyes
"I was wondering" he said as he look at me in the eyes too as he grab my hands gently and said

"miss pretty will you be my girlfriend?" he ask and made my heart beat fast i just cover my mouth
"Will you?" he ask again
"Yes!" i said and he hug me tight
"So do you love me?" he ask
"Yes, i'm just afraid to tell you" i said
"I love you" he said I look at him
"I love you too" i said while hugging me while his other hand lift my chin up and he kiss me i kiss him back after a few seconds we pull out
"I love you" he said again
"Come on yoongi! How many times do you have to say that?" i ask him
"Maybe until your over it?" he ask himself and i hit him playfully
"Well i love you too" i said

[??? Pov]
"no jisoo, it can't be, he will just play with you and broke your heart, i will always be here if he leaves you, i love you, i will wait for you too jisoo"

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