No more secrets

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[Jisoo pov]
I read all the letter, every each letter it has a signature on the end of the letter, the first letter has (Y) the second and the third has (O) (O) and the fourth letter has (N) And the fifth letter has (G) and The last has (I), it was so obvious, well he said he can't wait but this is no fun yoongi
"Miss kim jisoo?" i heard someone calling me, i look up and the teacher was already there and something is written on the board
"Y-yes?" i answer
"Are you listening?" the teacher ask
"S-sorry i wasn't paying attention" i said honestly
"That's good that your honest, and what are you reading? You seem serious" the teacher said
"O-oh'd from.....m-my family... Yeah family!" i said finding excuses
"What is it about?" the teacher ask
"Sorry but it's a family problem" i said
"okay, but please pay attention first" the teacher said
"Y-yes ma'am" i said and put away the letters and i listen to the teacher

(After class)
Finally it's recess time i can finally talk to jimin, i bet he know this hand writing cause it's his brother, and there is 2 yoongi in the school so, might as well investigate, i was to rosé class cause jimin and rosé has the same class, i walk into the room cause the teacher is gone and rosé seem's annoyed by jimin again, cause jimin keep talking
"Can you just shut up!" rosé said annoyed
"Why? You don't like me complimenting you?" jimin ask
"Um...sorry if i'm disturbing but jimin can you help me?" i ask them
"Oh unnie!" rosé said
"Sure what is it?" jimin ask
"Do you know this hand writing?" i ask
"Let me see" jimin said and i gave him the first letter and i think he read it
"Wow! Yoongi is your secret admirer?" jimin said
"Yoongi?" i said pretending not to know
"Yeah, this is his hand writing" jimin said
"Well thank's jimin and please take a good care of rosé, bye" i said and ran out of the room cause class is about to start again
"UNNNIE!!!" rosè scream that made me laugh cause she scream so loud, i went bacl to my classroom and sat on my chair again

(Time skip)
We got all home safely and i grab dalgom and walk to my room quickly cause i'm gonna do something

[Rosé pov]
When we got home jisoo unnie grab dalgom and walk to her room well more like running quickly
"Why is she running?" lisa ask
"I don't know" i said
"Well she is so weird today" jennie said
"Oh unnie has a secret admirer" i said
"What really?" lisa ask
"How!?" jennie ask
"Well lisa you were telling me that you saw a letter on jisoo unnie's room while you were waking her up" i said
"Yeah but i didn't get a chance to look at it" lisa said with a sad face
"Well that letter is from yoongi!!!!" i said
"Shhh....jisoo might hear you" jennie said
"Sorry" i said
"But how did you know it was yoongi?" lisa ask
"Well today me and jimin is in the same class cause it was history them while jimin was annoying me jisoo went there and ask jimin is he know the hand writing, jimin said yes, and jimin said 'Wow yoongi is your secret admirer' something like that" i said
"Maybe he's just joking" jennie said
"I don't know jimin seem's suprise" i said
"Well how about tae?" lisa ask
"What about him?" i ask
"Well jungkook said taehyung likes jisoo unnie" lisa said
"WHAT!?" me and jennie said shock
"Yeah..." lisa said
"Well this turn into a drama" jennie said, then we heard the door bell
"I will get it" i said and walk to the door, i was so shock when i open the door
"Oh hi tae..." i said akward and look behind me and i saw jennie and lisa shock
" jisoo here?" tae ask
"Um...." i said can't answer a thing then
" you have a pen?" from the voice i can tell it's jisoo unnie
"Oh jisoo" tae said and let himself in the house
"oh tae..." jisoo said and smile
"this is going to be bad" i whisper to my self
"What are you doing here tae?" jisoo ask
"I wanted to ask if your free today" tae said
"Sorry but i'm busy" jisoo said
"Oh really? Well okay then maybe we can go out some other day?" tae ask
"Sure why not" jisoo said
"Well i will go now, thanks anyway" tae said and left
"Here unnie" lisa said and gave jisoo a pen
"Thanks" jisoo said
"Unnie?" i said
"Huh? What is it?" jisoo ask me
"Are you busy?" i ask
"Yes it's not a lie" jisoo said
"What are you doing then?" jennie ask
"I'm doing my assignment" jisoo said
"Oh okay..." i said
"Well i will be going now" jisoo said and walk to her room again

[Jisoo pov]
When i got up i went to my desk again i don't any assingment i just lied, i pull out a white paper and start writing to yoongi
"I hope he will recive this" i said then i put the letter i wrote to my bag and sleep

I woke up early this morning i already shower and did my hair and everything i wore this btw

Then i heard a knock"I'm awake!" i scream back and i grab my bag and open the door it was lisa"Woah! Unnie you woke up before me? That was amazing" lisa said"Yeah i slept early" i said smilling at her"Your strange unnie" lisa said"I know" i said a...

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Then i heard a knock
"I'm awake!" i scream back and i grab my bag and open the door it was lisa
"Woah! Unnie you woke up before me? That was amazing" lisa said
"Yeah i slept early" i said smilling at her
"Your strange unnie" lisa said
"I know" i said and we both laugh
"Is jennie awake?" i ask her
"All of us are but we are just gonna get ready" lisa said
"Oh okay i will be making breakfast then" i said
"Huh? Really unnie!!!! That's amazing" lisa said
"It's not like you haven't taste my cooking" i said
"Well i will remind you, the last time you cook it was 1 year ago" lisa said
"Hahaha i was just getting lazy" i said
"I think it's about time that you work here too" lisa said
"okay okay, now get ready i will cook" i said
"Okay unnie" lisa said and she walk to her room and i walk to the kitchen, then i went to cook, i cook a kimchi stew after it was cook i serve it
"Unnie!!" rosé said coming to the room with jennie and lisa running
"Yah! You guys stop runing you will get hurt" i said
"Sorry i was just excited" rosé said
"Wow jisoo just wow i haven't taste your cooking since 1 year ago" jennie said
"Well now you do!" i said then we all sit and eat, after that we went to school

(At school)
When we got to school i saw jin
"You guys go first i will talk to jin" i said
"Okay bye unnie see you at recess" jennie said and they walk to their classes
"Jin!" i scream and he turn to me
"Oh jisoo-ssi" jin said
"Can i ask you something?" i ask him
"What is it?" he ask
"Where is yoongi's locker?" i ask him
"I guess you found put" he mumble
"What?" i ask cause i didn't hear it
"Oh go to the lockers area and turn left and go to locker 235" jin said
"Oh thank jin" i said
"it's pleasure to help you" jin said
"I have to go now" i said and wave bye and walk to locker 235, when i got there, there were no one except me i quickly place the letter on the hole of he locker and walk away i hope no one saw me, after that it's just the waiting game

Mr.Cheater √ [Yoonsoo FF, Ft: Vsoo]Where stories live. Discover now