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[jisoo's pov]
It's now our graduation, finally i'm done with school, i was excited, this past few days i was staying with the girls in our house, it's good to be back their, but after the graduation i will go back to yoongi and explain everything, i will go get all my stuff and go back to the girl, and finally the graduation ceremony is done, lisa rosé and jennie run to me.
"Yay!! We all are graduated!!" they said
"Yeah..." i said
"oh! Unnie do you want us to go with you later to get your stuff?" rosé asked
"no i'm gonna be fine" i said smilling, i was looking around to see if yoongi is here but i can't see him perhaps he already went home
"jisoo, why don't you just break up with him..." jennie said
"Jennie-ah it's hard to do, but easy to say, i can't i still love him" I said
"I think you need to move on from that guy" Lisa said
"Anyway i think i should go" i said
"Then see at the house unnie" rosé said
"Good luck!" jennie said and they left, after that i went yoongi's apartment

(At yoongi's apartment)
I was finding the apartment key since i live here, then i opened the door and was so shock, they key that i was holding fell to the ground, yoongi is with another girl, then both of them looked at me
"Sorry who are you?" the girl ask
"Oh i'm jisoo...i'm just gonna get my stuff and leave" i said and went to the room yoongi followed me, i grab all my clothes and shoes and i put it on my bag that was left there, then yoongi came to the room
"What are you doing?" yoongi ask
"I'm leaving" i said zipping the bag, i stand up and walk out, i saw the girl again then yoongi hold my wrist
"Where are you going?" yoongi ask
"I'm gonna go live with the girls again, i'm gonna go home to where i belong" i said tears fall out of my eyes, i look at the girl again
"Who are you if may i ask?" i ask her
"I'm umji, and i'm yoongi's girlfriend" she said
"girlfriend? Since when?" i ask
"Since last year" umji said i then turn to yoongi and slap him umji was so shock of what i just did
"Really you were cheating on me since last year! How dare you yoongi!!!" i said
"Wait i'm his girlfriend" umji said
"Your wrong, me yoongi are together that's why i live here, and everyday he would beat me up and after that he always said sorry umji, now i know who umji is" i said
"Yoongi we are done, i'm breaking up with you, don't ever go near me" i said and i pull my wrist from his grip and walk out, i called jennie crying then she pick up the phone

📞on phone:
Jennie: hello?
Jisoo: pick me up in yoongi's apartment
Jennie: okay be there soon, wait! Why are you crying?
Jisoo: I will tell you later just hurry
Jennie: okay i'm starting the car

I was crying so hard and minutes later i saw jennie's car, i then walk to that car and open the door and went inside
"What happen?" jennie ask
"I found out yoongi cheating behind me since last year" i said sobbing
"Calm down jennie, i broke up with him" i said
"Good thing you broke up with him" jennie said
"I guess i need to find a new one" i said
"Make sure someone who is nice" jennie said
"Okay i will" i said

Mr.Cheater √ [Yoonsoo FF, Ft: Vsoo]Where stories live. Discover now