The arrival of the baby

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[jisoo's pov]
I was at the kitchen cooking with taehyung, we were happy cooking, i'm now 9 months pregnant with my baby, the doctor said 2 weeks ago that the baby will be arriving soon.
While cooking i suddenly felt this huge pain in my stomach, i hissed in pain and taehyung noticed it.
"are you okay?" taehyung asked worried as i hold onto my stomach, just then my water broke
"omg! Are you okay?" taehyung asked me worriedly
"i think the baby is coming..." i said as i hissed in pain again, taehyung turn off the stove as he went grab the keys for the car, he then carried me to the car and we drove to the hospital.
My stomach is really in pain, i kept hissing from the pain.
"it's okay....we are now close!" taehyung said, a few minutes later we finally arrived, he then carried me out of the car as we both went inside.
"Help!" taehyung said once we were inside the hospital. He kept saying help as the doctors and nurses went to us, they put me into a wheel chair and they push me to my room, i didn't know where room tho since i was so busy to the pain.
They told taehyung that i will be fine as they lock taehyung out, they put me into the bed as they put something on my hand that can keep me hydrate.
[taehyung's pov]
I was walking back and fourth i was really worried about jisoo, i can see she is really in pain, just then i called jennie, rosé and lisa to come to Seoul cause jisoo is at the stage where she is giving birth, i also called my brothers except yoongi.
They will be here for about 1 hour and 40 minutes, but i think her sisters will be here late cause i asked them to do packed jisoo's stuff and the baby's stuffs.
(1 and a half later)
Finally i saw my brothers and her sisters, of course without yoongi, she is still there, i hope she is alright.
(2 hours later)
2 hours have past now and she is still inside, just then her doctor came out, i then stand up and went to the doctor.
"Is she and the baby alright?" i asked the doctor.
"yes...the baby is healty and jisoo is asleep because she is tired, let her rest for now, we will give you the baby later since the baby will be getting a bath to get out all the blood, congratulations" she said smilling as she bow and walked away.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go see her!" rosé said excitedly
"yeah...but we should be quiet" i said they all nod and we all went inside.
When we got inside i saw her laying on the bed, she really looks tired, i then sat down besides her since there is a chair, the others then sat on the couch, i tap her head, i'm really proud of her for being brave.
Just then the nurse came inside the room with the baby, the baby really looks so cute! The nurse gave me the baby, the others surrounded me.
"omo! He's really cute!" rosé said as she hold the baby's hand.
"awww..." jimin said smilling happily.
"he looks like jisoo" namjoon said smilling.
"he does!" jungkook said
"hello baby....i'm your uncle jinnie" jin said happily.
"guys...please quiet i don't want jisoo to wake up" i said as i looked at jisoo sleeping peacefully
"yeah..." lisa said
"i'm proud of you guys" jennie said
"yeah...congratulations taetae!" hoseok said smilling
"thank you..." i said smilling, even tho i'm not the father of this child i will never threat this child worst, i will love his like a real father, one day me and jisoo will have our own kid.
(3 hours later)
The others went out to buy foods, i just stayed at jisoo's side and waited for her to wake up as i took care of the baby, the baby is really cute...he was looking at me i smiled looking at him, he really looks like jisoo, the baby was smilling at me.
"your so cute.." i said smilling, i then tried to make him laugh by doing weird faces, he was really happy.

[jisoo's pov]
I woke up in the hospital, i heard laughing to my side i looked to my side and saw taehyung and my baby laughing together i can't help but smile, taehyung was doing weird faces and my baby seems to like it.
Just then taehyung realize i was awake.
"ouk! Jisoo-ya your awake" he said shock yet happy
"i see you having fun with our baby" i said smilling
"yes! I know...he really loves when i make weird faces" he said proudly, even tho the baby is not his, he still treat the baby like his own son.
"wanna hold him?" taehyung asked i then sat up and taehyung gave the baby in my arms.
"aww...she's so cute!" i said smilling happily, the baby looked at me too smilling.
"look! His smilling at you" taehyung said smilling.
"look! Mommy is awake" taehyung said and the baby then laugh, me and taehyung also laugh.
Just then the others came inside with foods.
"ouk! Unnie your awake!" lisa said.
"yeah.." i said
"congratulations jisoo-ya!" they all sang happily the baby also seems to like it, i hope this happiness will never end.


Hi i need a little help, what should we name the baby, please answer this question, i don't have anything in mind, please answer, thank you...

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