he understands me

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[Jisoo's pov]
I was laying on my bed, thinking I should I do now, I then heard the door opened.
"Jisoo...taehyung is here" I heard Jennie's voice and I sit up and looked at the door, I then saw taehyung coming in to my room.
"You just should talk" Jennie said and left, when Jennie said that taehyung was so confuse.
"So are you not happy to see me?" Taehyung asked me I then looked at his eyes with guilty eyes and I broke into tears, he then hug me.
"What's wrong?" He asked me
"Taehyung-ah i'm so sorry" I said hugging him tightly.
"Please don't leave me" I said crying into his embrace.
"What happen?" He asked confuse
"Please don't hate me" I said
"Okay I promise...now let's have a sit" he said and we sat on my bed I was still crying.
"What now? Tell me" he said holding my hand.
"So...the day you called me I was at the park at that time and I met yoongi...and last night I went out to go to the bar to go drink to forget about him, I didn't tell the girls I was leaving..but I was drinking and drinking I didn't remember a thing! When I woke up I didn't have any clothes and yoongi was besides me...please taehyung i'm sorry!!" I said crying in guilt I expect him to push me away and leave the room but instead he hug me.
"I don't hate you...I will never go away..I forgive you jisoo.." He said and I cried into his arms, I still fell gulty

[Taehyung's pov]
She was crying and crying, I can tell it's not her fault, cause she was drunk, what really happen? Yoongi needs to explain, good thing I can leave her cause she was asleep, I then went downstairs to go to rosé to tell her I will be leaving but I will come back after that I went to find yoongi, good thing one of my friends know where he was staying, he is still staying on his old apartment.
Yoongi's apartment
When I was in front of the door I knock and he opened
"Oh it's you..what do you want" he said but I pushed him and went inside his apartment and sat on his couch
"I'm here cause I wanna talk about what happen to jisoo and you last night" I said looking at him with a glare
"Oh that...she wanted it" he said smirking I hate that smirk on his face, I then punch him in the face and I pick him up on his shirt
"You better tell me with all details" I said demanding him
"What if I don't what to huh?" He asked with a smirk I then trow him to the wall and pick him back up by his shirt
"Fine!" He said
"Now tell me!" I said with full anger
"I was going to the bar to have a drink when I saw jisoo very drunk, I then tried to get her home but she pulled me to a room and she jumped on the bed, she then pulled me saying you name she then kissed me" he said
"So she just kissed you?"i asked him
"Yes!" he said
"Then tell me, why did she wake up beside you with no clothes huh?" I asked him but he didn't replay
"Answer me!" I said
"I did it...." He said
"Tell me what happen after she kissed you?" I said
"When she pulled out of the kiss I can't resist myself, at that time she passed out because she was very drunk.." He said and that really built my anger, so jisoo just kissed him, poor jisoo...she thought that was me, I then let go of him and walk out angrily, it's not jisoo's fault at all, if yoongi took her home after she kissed and passed out there will be no problem, I still love jisoo no matter what, I will always love her, no matter what happen

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