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Jisoo's pov
It been a week now since hyunso was taken by yoongi, there's no way i can see him again since i was forbidden to stay away from yoongi and hyunso.
I haven't been eating the well and just stayed inside our bedroom, taehyung was so worried because of me and because of hyunso.

"Jisoo-yah....let's eat" taehyung said in a soft voice
"I don't feel like eating..." i replied not even looking at him while i stay laying down
"You haven't been eating well this past week" he said worriedly
"I'm fine...promise, now go eat" i said as sigh and went out of our bedroom.

Taehyung's pov
I went out of our room sighing, i'm so worried of jisoo and hyunso who is in yoongi's hands, this past few weeks i hired a private investigator so i can know where hyunso is and how is he doing.
Even tho hyunso is not my real son, i love that child.
I walk downstairs and sat on the couch and i got a call from my private investigator I answered it Immediately.
"Hello?" i said once i answered the call
"We found your brother at xxxx st" the investigator said
"really? Thank you so so much. The payment will be transpered on your bank account" i said
"okay then, bye" the investigator said and ended the call.

I grabbed my car keys and went out the door to go to the location of yoongi and hyunso.

Jisoo's pov
3 hours have passed and i was feeling hungry and i went downstairs to eat, hyunso's picture on my phone motivate me to eat, since what happens if i die in huger and no one will take care of hyunso.
I walk to the kitchen but haven't seen taehyung. So i asked on of the maids.

"Where is taehyung?" i asked them
"he left 2 hours ago ma'am" the maid said and i nod, they already prepared a meal for me, maybe taehyung told them to.

Taehyung's pov
I was watching the house for hours now seeing if yoongi is there, once i saw him through the window i made my way to the front door and i knocked.
Later on the door opened and revealing yoongi
"What are you doing here? The judge said you guys stay away from hyunso and us" he said
"They only told that to jisoo not me" i said
"Ugh....what do you want?" yoongi asked annoyed
"I just want us to talk" i said
"go ahead" he said
"Can you just please bring back hyunso to us?" i asked him and he laugh
"Do you really think i would bring hyunso to you guys?" he said laughing
"please! Or just let jisoo hyunso twice a week, do you know that jisoo hasn't been eating this past few day? She is depress, always crying holding hyunso's picture" i said, i don't really want to cry but thinking of jisoo at that state i'm worried and sad for her.

Yoongi stayed quiet and shock, he then finally spoke.
"Fine...she can go here twice a week to see hyunso. But if she tries to take hyunso away i'll kick her out" yoongi said
"Really? Thank you yoongi! I didn't think you still have mercy on jisoo" i said happily
"Go ahead and tell jisoo the 'good news' " he said
"thank you!" i said and he shut the door and i left the house feeling happy.

Yoongi's pov
I let jisoo see her son again so i can get to see her too, and i'm worried that she hasn't been eating this past few days because of what i have done, but i won't give them hyunso back.

Jisoo's pov
Finally the door opened and i saw taehyung happily
"Where have you been?" i asked worriedly
"I have a good news!" he said happily
"what is it?" i asked
"You can see hyunso twice a week" taehyung said happily
"Really? How!?" i asked happily
"I talked to yoongi and he agreed" he said smilling
"REALLY!? THANK YOU TAEHYUNG!" i said as i hugged him feeling happy that i can see hyunso again.
"You should thank yoongi..." he said
"i will, tomorrow let's go to hyunso" i said
"Sure.." he said smilling.

Mr.Cheater √ [Yoonsoo FF, Ft: Vsoo]Where stories live. Discover now