Welcome to seoul

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[jisoo's pov]
We were packing us stuff, lisa,jennie and rosé helped me too and of course taehyung also helped me, after packing our stuff we have to say our final goodbyes
"we are gonna miss you jisoo-unnie" lisa said hugging me as i hug her back
"i'm gonna miss you too" i said i really don't wanna cry here but i can't hold it back no more i cried on lisa's arm
"don't cry..." jennie said as she wiped my tears with her tumb
"i can't believe you will go to seoul now....don't worry when the baby comes we will be there" rosé said smilling at me
"thank you.." i said thanking my three sisters
"so...are you ready to leave?" taehyung asked me
"Taehyung...take care of our jisoo" rosé said to tae.
"i will..." taehyung said smilling looking at me
"we will go now..." i said as i hugged them one more time, after that we left, we then went to taehyung's house to said bye to his brothers.
We knocked on the door and namjoon opened the door
"ouk! Guys...Jisoo and Taehyung is here!" namjoon said screaming inside the house jungkook and jimin then went running down the stairs while jin went out running from the kitchen while hoseok went out running from the living room
"ouk! Jisoo! Your baby is growing" jin said
"yeah i know.." i said smilling
"so i know why you guys are here..." jungkook said in a sad tone
"yeah...we are here to say goodbye" taehyung said
"we will miss you!" namjoon said
"can we come over?" jimin asked us
"yes! Anytime you want!" i said smilling at them
"but! You can't bring yoongi with you!" taehyung said warning the others
"why?" hoseok asked
"his the reason we are moving" taehyung said
"oh! Yeah! I saw the news" jungkook said
"me too! Yoongi was insisting that the baby jisoo was carrying was his, i think yoongi really lost his mind..." jin said
"ehem! So we will go now...you guys can come over anytime you want, we will go now" taehyung said
"okay! Just call us when the baby is coming!" hoseok said smilling
"yeah we will" i said smilling
"bye" they said waving at us
"bye!" we said waving back at them as we continue our trip to seoul.

(at seoul)
We finally arrive at seoul we arrive at the morning...when we arrive i saw an amazing big white house...it was incredible!
"omo! Is this really our house?" i asked taehyung amaze
"yes.." taehyung said smilling as he put his hands on my shoulders
"wow...." i said as i looked at the house amaze i then looked around us
"wow! Even our neighbors houses are big!" i said looking around
"well...welcome to seoul" taehyung said happily
"we will start a new life here...we will raise our childs here!" taehyung said happily
"how many childs do you want?" i asked taehyung
"i want...100 kids!" taehyung said looking at me
"yah! Is that even possible? I might die!" i said
"hehehe...i'm just kidding...of course i won't let my wife die" taehyung said
"we aren't even married yet!" i said
"but soon" taehyung said smirking
"you are just joking" i said laughing but taehyung looked at me serious
"i'm serious...i will marry you" taehyung said
"are you really?" i asked him
"that is a promise to you" taehyung said
"what if yoon--" i didn't get to say his name cause he put his finger in my lips
"i won't let him stop me" taehyung said smilling and i smiled back.

Mr.Cheater √ [Yoonsoo FF, Ft: Vsoo]Where stories live. Discover now