Cheating behind her

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[Jisoo pov]
We arrive at a flower field it was so beautiful
"Omg yoongi! It's so beautiful here!" i said excitedly while looking into yoongi's eyes full of joy
"Of course but my baby is more beautiful~" he said
"Ey~ i heard that one before" i said
"But not to me" he said
"hehe your right, btw...can i play?" i ask him
"Sure go play" he said and i start playing

[Yoongi pov]
Good thing she went away and play cause i was texting someone else, yes i didn't keep my promise, and me jisoo only been couples yesterday, i'm so disappointed with myself but, i'm confuse with my feelings, i loved her, really i really loved her but why? Why is my feeling changing towards her, i still don't know!

[Jisoo's pov]
I was playing with the flower taking pictures

Then after taking pictures  i went to yoongi where i left him but his gone"Where is he?" i ask myself then someone covered my eyes i hold the persons hand and pull his hand away, then he stops covering my eyes and i look at the person and it's yoo...

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Then after taking pictures  i went to yoongi where i left him but his gone
"Where is he?" i ask myself then someone covered my eyes i hold the persons hand and pull his hand away, then he stops covering my eyes and i look at the person and it's yoongi
"Yah! You scared me!" i said hitting him playfully
"Sorry" he said while he shows me his gummy smile, then i notice he was hidding something from his back
"What is behind your back?" i ask him
"Tada!" he said showing me a rose then he took a selfie
"You look pretty" he said looking photo
"I probably look ugly on that photo" i said while looking at the rose that he gave me, then it start to rain
"Go inside the car jisoo!" he said and i open the door and went inside the rain
"Aish! What a bad timing" i said
"Yeah i know" yoongi said as he starts to drive
"I should probably take you home" he said i look out the window and it was raining hard he has a point
"i guess so" i said
"We are now going home make sure you change you clothes when i take you home" yoongi said then his phone rang he answered it
"Hello? Oh yeah h-hello m-mom, yeah go home, okay i will be there, bye" he said but while talking to the phone he was glancing to me he looks so nervous
"My mom needs me" he said
"It's okay" i said

(2 minutes later)
After 2 minutes we arrive at my house
"goodbye jisoo" he said he inside the car i wave at him bye and go inside, he didn't even lead me inside, i walk in and saw lisa chasing jin,namjoon,hoseok and jungkook
"YAH!!! GIVE MY PHONE BACK!" Lisa said screaming chasing the four boys
"What is going on here" i said and they stop running and look at me
"Oh unnie your home" lisa said
"Yeah" i said, i saw namjoon,jin and hoseok looking behind me
"What is it?" i ask them and the three point behind me, lisa look behind me and her eyes was shock then jungkook behind me and he has the same reaction as lisa
"Why are you guys looking at?" i ask them confuse
"UNNIE!" lisa said and jungkook and lisa point behind me and i finally turn around and i was so shock too it was taehyung
"O-oh t-tae hi" i said
"Jisoo where is yoongi?" he ask, wait does he already know? But i told yoongi not to tell tae

"I will be going now yoongi the girls is waiting at the car" i said
"Okay then see you tomorrow" yoongi said and then something pop up on my mind
"Yoongi!" i said and he turn to me
"What is it?" he ask
"can i have a favor?" i ask him
"Anything for my baby" he said
"Can you tell the others and you to not tell taehyung about our relaltionship?" i ask him
"Sure, but why?" he ask
"He will get mad" i said
"okay then i understand you" he said"
"Thanks i will be going now" i said and left

"Um..." i can't answer him
"Jisoo i know yoongi took you out" tae said
"So?" i ask
"Where is he?" he ask
"your guys mom called him" i said
"No it can't be" he whisper but i can hear it i pretend not to hear it, then tae look at me in the eyes
"Jisoo let's talk" he said and held my wrist and took me to the backyard, it has a roof so it will be fine we will not get wet by the rain
"What is it?" i ask
"I know your hiding your relationship with yoongi to me, tell me why?" he said asking me i look into his eyes it's full of sadness
"Cause i know you will get mad" i said looking down
"But why? Why didn't you reject him?" he ask
"Cause i already fall for him since the first day" i said
"Aish! Didn't i warn you? He is a playboy!" he said screaming at me that made me cry, he heard me cry he calm a bit
"Jisoo?" he said then he put his hands to my cheeks and that made me look him into the eyes but i look to the side still crying
"Jisoo...i'm sorry i'm just worried, please look at me" he said and i look at him with and angry expression, his hands was still on my cheeks i remove his hands on my cheeks
"Tell me. Why do you keep calling him a playboy huh? He's your brother and his my boyfriend, he will never cheat on me, you so selfish, i hate you, and don't come near me" i said while tears is still coming down then i walk away to my room

[Taehyung pov]
After she walk away until i can't hear her footsteps my tears fall one by one she said i'm selfish, and she also said she hate me and don't get near her, what am'i gonna do she hates me now, what am'i gonna do the girl i love now hate me, yoongi i know you have a plan with your other girlfriend umji, wait until i prove to jisoo your a cheater.

[Yoongi pov]
After leaving to that house i went to the coffee shop where i will meet my new girlfriend umji, good thing it rained so i have an excuse to jisoo, i don't feel bad for cheating on jisoo cause i got her a rose so it will be fine, i open the door and i saw umji she look at the door and she smile happily and run to me
"Babe, your here" umji said and i hug her back i don't care if people is looking at us and i will be embarrass if jisoo is the one who will did this
"You miss me already?" i ask her
"Of course, and babe why did you call me mom?" she ask me, this is easy
"Cause my brothers are there and wanna play video games with me
"Oh okay, let's go eat babe" she said and we sat and ate

Mr.Cheater √ [Yoonsoo FF, Ft: Vsoo]Where stories live. Discover now