third monthsary

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[Jisoo's Pov]
After getting away from yoongi I hide behind a tree far away from him and I cried my heart out, I know I miss him, my heart miss him but I need to let go, I then revive a call, I checked who it is and it's taehyung, I quickly wipe my tears and I practice my voice to not look like I cried, then I press and answer.

"Hello baby~" I said answering
"Hello jisooya~ happy third monthsary" taehyung said that made me smile, to be honest I didn't smile wide like I smiled when I was with yoongi
"I almost forgot! Well happy monthsary taetae~" I said, well I almost forgot since yoongi distracted me
"Where are you right now?" He asked
"I'm at the park taking a walk, why?" I asked back
"Oh! I was just worried" he said, don't get me wrong I love taehyung but my heart still loves yoongi, but the difference with them is taehyung is sweet and caring but yoongi is the opposite
"Aww that's sweet" I said getting touch by this words
"How about you where are you?" I asked
"I'm getting ready for a meeting" he said
"Oh okay, I wish you the best" I said and he giggle
"Thank you" he said
"Well I have to go now taetae, i'm gonna go home now, they didn't know I left the house" I said
"Okay then, next time make sure they know" he said
"I will" I said giggling
"Well bye then my love" he said
"Bye" i said then i hang up
"I should go home now" i said to myself
(At home)
When i opened the door i saw jennie, lisa and rosé with no expression on there face
"Oh hey guys" I said
"Where have you been?" Jennie asked
"I took a walk to the park" i said
"Don't go out! I heard yoongi is back" lisa said, should i tell them i saw yoongi? I should
"Um...about that" i said and they looked confuse
"About what?" rosé asked
"I saw yoongi at the park" I said and there mouth dropped
"What did he say?" Rosé asked
"He said he missed me" I said
"Nothing else?" Jennie asked
"He also hug me but i let go" I said
"Oh okay, well unnie's me and tzuyu will go to the mall" Lisa said
"Tzuyu? You mean you best friend when we first got to school?" i asked
"Yeah! Recently she found my number" Lisa said
"Cause his friends with my boyfriend" Lisa said
"Really!?" We all asked shock
"Yes! Well I got to go" Lisa said and she walk out
"Did you tell taehyung about what happened?" rosé asked
"No not yet..." I said
"You better tell him" jennie said
"I will tomorrow" I said
"No! Now" Jennie said
"But jen! I need some confidence" I said
"That makes sense unnie" rosé said
"Well you better tell him okay?" Jennie said
"I will" I said
"Okay I will make food now" Jennie said and walk to the kitchen while rosé followed Jennie, maybe Jennie is right, I should tell taehyung but I need confidence

(Hello this is the author, sorry if I'm taking so long to update, and I just wanna ask, team yoongi or team taehyung? Just asking, this will not change anything from the upcoming chapters)

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