From afar

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Jisoo's pov
It been a week since i gave birth to hyunso, he is a healty baby boy and taehyung love hyunso like his own son, taehyung is so precious, how can he be so calm and how can he love me and hyunso even tho hyunso is not his son and how can he love me after that accident?
"baby.....should we go to the mall to buy hyunso some toys?" taehyung asked me carrying hyunso.
"but he has a lot of toys" i said "But i feel like it's still not enough for my baby boy" taehyung said smilling looking at hyunso
"Your such a loving dad" i said as i stand up cause i was sitting on the couch and walk up to them
"Hyunso-ah, can you see, your dad loves you" i said as i look at hyunso that was smilling.
"of course! It's my boy! Even tho i'm not the biological father....but i will still wait for your promise" taehyung looking at me
"huh? What promise?" i asked taehyung
"you forgot already? The promise i was saying is the promise that we will start are own family and have our own child" taehyung said smilling at me
"oh! That! Of course, it will not be broken" i said smilling back at him.
"go change now, i will take care of hyunso, get dressed, we will go to the mall. I will dress hyunso up go change now" taehyung said
"oh okay....i'll be right back" i said as i pinch taehyung's cheeks as i made my way to our room to change.

After i'm done changing i walk back down and saw taehyung on the couch with hyunso, they were already dressed up, i just stand there looking at them smilling. Taehyung does have a loving heart
"i'm done" i said as i walk in the living room
"oh....look mom is already dressed up, we can finally go buy you a new toy" taehyung said speaking at hyunso who was smilling.
"you guys look cute together" i said
"let's go now" taehyung said standing up holding hyunso as he grabbed the car keys on the coffee table as i follow them

Once we were inside the car i sat besides taehyung who was driving as i hold hyunso, i started playing, with him, the aircon of the car kinda makes me sick.
"taehyung-ah, can i open my window?" i asked taehyung
"why? You okay?" taehyung asked me
"the aircon kinda makes me sick" i said
"oh...go ahead" taehyung said i then immediately opened the car window and i didn't think i would see his face.
I saw yoongi, and a bad timing the the stop light turned red and our car stopped immediately close back my window.
"you okay?" taehyung asked me again
"i s-saw yoongi!" i said
"where?" taehyung asked and i point at the window, good thing taehyung's car window is tinted black so you cannot see the person inside.
"did he see you?" taehyung asked me
"i don't know" i said, just then the stop light turned green and taehyung immediately drove the car.

Yoongi's pov
I walking to my friends house and i saw someone familliar, their car stopped because of the stop light and i saw jisoo opening her car window, i also saw my son and taehyung who's driving the car, jisoo saw me and she immediately shut her car window, i didn't see anything else after she closed her car window cause the car window is tinted black, just then the stop light turned green, taehyung drove the car immediately but i manage to memorise there car plate number.
At last i found you guys, i'll get my son soon.

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