He was right after all

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[jisoo's pov]
All night i was crying in my room, i didn't know he would cheat on me, i think tae is right after all, now i regret not believing in tae, why did i just open my eyes now? Why didn't i realize he was cheating on me, it's not umji's fault cause she didn't know yoongi has a girlfriend already i think i'm too dumb to realize it....

[Taehyung's pov]
Last night i got a call from jennie when i answer it she was screaming at me saying bad words to yoongi

I was eating with my hyung's but yoongi is not here cause he has an apartment j was still worried about jisoo, then i recive a call i was hoping it was jisoo but it was jennie
"Who is it?" namjoon asked
"is it yoongi?" hoseok asked
"No it's jennie" i said
"answer it" jungkook said and i press the green button and i turn it into speaker mode cause i was eating
"Hello jennie" i said on the phone
"is yoongi there?" she asked
"No why?" i ask
"TELL YOONGI THAT DON'T COME HERE, THAT CHEATING MAN! I WILL KILL HIM IF HE WENT HERE, JISOO IS CRYING INTO HER ROOM YOU BETTER TELL HIM" jennie said screaming at me at the phone, so jisoo found out yoongi was cheating
"What?" i said
"I'M NOT GONNA REPEAT IT AGAIN" Jennie said screaming then she hang up
"Wow she is real mad" Jimin said
"Yeah..." I said
"So yoongi hyung was cheating on jisoo unnie?" Jungkook asked
"You heard her kook" i said

(End of flashback)
Now i'm gonna go there to see if jisoo is alright, i can still go there but yoongi is not, he didn't even come yesterday for dinner well i think he is with umji, i try to tell jisoo everyday but she still didn't bealive me, i guess she really love yoongi

[Jennie's pov]
I was cooking breakfast until rosé and lisa came down
"morning unnie~" both of them said greeting me
"Morning" i said
"Jennie unnie...did jisoo unnie came down yet?" lisa asked
"No not yet" i said
"I feel worried now..." rosé said
"Yeah me too...she didn't even came down yesterday to eat" i said serving the food
"Oh jennie unnie!" rosé said
"Yeah?" i said
"Jimin said that tae is gonna come today, i hope tae will make jisoo unnie happy" rosè said, at least it's not yoongi coming, at least it's tae, then the doorbell rang
"I will get it!" lisa said
"no, i will get it, go eat now lisa" i said
"Okay unnie" lisa said continuing to eat, then i open the door think it's tae since rosé mention it, but.... It's yoongi, seeing him makes me feel in anger
"YOU! WHY ARE YOU DOING HERE HUH!?" i said angrly then rosé and lisa ran to me hearing me angry
"Unnie is everything alright-" rosé stops talking when she saw yoongi
"YAH! WHY ARE YOU HERE!" rosé said angrly seeing yoongi
"you know your not welcome here" lisa said then taehyung came
"ouk! Yoongi why are you here?" Taehyung asked yoongi
"I'm here to explain to jisoo" yoongi said
"AFTER CHEATING ON HER! NO THANK YOU, YOUR NOT INVITED HERE ANYMORE!" I said angrly i was about to punch yoongi but rosé and lisa stops me
"Yoongi, just go already" taehyung said
"How about you huh? Why are you here?" yoongi asked
"I wanted to check if jisoo is okay" taehyung said
"Well i'm her boyfriend so i have wright to be here" yoongi said i was about to break out from the grip of lisa and rosé but i heard a voice
"Your not my boyfriend anymore, i already break up with you yesterday, didn't i made it clear?" we all turn around and saw jisoo

[Jisoo's pov]
I heard screaming downstairs and i decide to check it, when i got down i saw, jennie,rosé,lisa,taehyung and yoongi... The. I heard him saying to tae
"Well i'm her boyfriend so i have a wright to be here" yoongi said that made me more angry at him cause he is claiming to be my boyfriend after cheating behind me for 1 year and hurting me everyday then i said
"Your not my boyfriend anymore, i already break up with you yesterday, didn't i made it clear?" i said then everyone stare at me
"Jisoo" yoongi said walking to hug me but before he could hug me i back up
"Were done already, get lost already, i don't like you anymore" i said then yoongi grabs my wrist tightly it was so painful
"Ah! It hurts yoongi stop, let go!" i said trying to free myself then in my surprise taehyung punch him
"How dare you! Hurting my unnie here in our house! Now i know what kind of person you are!" Lisa said
"Get lost already or you will regret it!" rosé said
"But she is my girlfriend!" yoongi said
"Sorry but you heard her she dosen't want to anymore, she is done, get lost, cause your not welcome here, but your brothers are" jennie said and yoongi walk away, then i broke into tears
"I can't bealive he would hurt me again" i said as tears fall from my eyes, then taehyung hug me
"It's okay from now on i will be your soldier" taehyung said
"Your right, you keep telling me that he was cheating on me but i didn't listen, i'm sorry tae" i said hugging him back
"It's okay, i will be here on your side telling the truth" taehyung said

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