my baby boy

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[jisoo's pov]
I was carrying the baby while taehyung sat beside me making weird faces for get the baby to laugh, just then the nurse walked inside the room.
"sorry to disturb but we need to name the baby boy..." the nurse said
"what is the name of the baby?" the nurse asked and taehyung and i share glances
"what should we name him?" i asked taehyung
"i'm not really good at names..." he said scratching the back of his neck
"hmm.....maybe hyunso?" i asked taehyung
"WOW! THAT'S A PERFECT NAME!" Taehyung said
"so what is the official name of the baby?" the nurse asked
"kim hyunso" i said smilling
"that's it! We will give the baby's birth certificate, i will go now, congratulations mrs and mr kim" the nurse said smilling as she left the room
"unnie? Why hyunso?" lisa asked
"cause 'hyun' is from taehyung's 'hyung' and 'so' is from my jisoo" i said explaining
"and i think it's the best he could have some of his fathers name" taehyung whispered and that made me realize that they are both 'hyung'
" didn't thought of that" i said
"maybe i should change it" i said to taehyung
"no no no...i just said it!" taehyung said smilling
"you sure?" i asked him
"yeah! Besides it will be my baby" he said smilling, he's so sweet i just love him.

(few days later)
It's been few days now and i'm free to get out from the hospital, i was packing my stuff while taehyung was carrying the baby while my three sisters surround him playing with the baby, once i was done rosè grabbed my bag.
"i will carry it unnie!" rosé said
"but it's my ba--" i was cut off
"it's better if you hold your own son" jennie said smilling just then taehyung gave me the baby
"i agree! You guys look cute together" taehyung said smilling cutely
"so...let's go?" lisa asked
"let's go!" i said, we then all head down to go to our car, when we were out of the hospital there were a lot of paparazzi taking a photo of us, there were also a lot of people taking videos and photos, i almost forgot that my soon to be husband is a famous ceo.
"mrs kim jisoo! How was the baby?" one of the interviewer asked
"healty!" i said answering
"what is the gender?" they asked again
"a boy!" i said then taehyung put his arms around me to keep me protected, finally we all reached the car put from the paparazzi.

I just wanna thank Ligneous94 for the name suggestions, thanks alot :)

so i think the next story i will be making when this book ends is "the ceo is my crush (vsoo)" because it has the most votes for now.

I was planning on making a book called "kpop book covers" where you can suggest to me to make your book cover, it can include kpop manips/ships and solo members (ex: jungkook etc.), so what do you think about this idea of mine? Just comment if i should continue this idea or nah (don't worry it won't take any time from me to make stories)

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