Moving out?

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[jisoo's pov]
I'm now 5 months pregnant on yoongi's child, taehyung really understands me, he never treated me badly infact! He treated me as his wife and he treated the baby like it's his, but i'm still felt bad for taehyung cause it's not his child. Today we were on the carnival, his on his day off today so he decided that we go spend time together.
"where do you wanna go baby?" he asked me smilling giving me his box smile.
"i don't know...should we play a game there?" i asked him pointing on the carnival games
"sure let's go!" he said as he holds my hand we both then walked there.
"do you want me to win that teddy bear for you?" taehyung asked the baby inside me i laugh at his cuteness, even tho his not the father he treat the baby like his, i really love teahyung
"ouk! He said yes!" taehyung said shocked once the baby kicked my stomach, yes! I will be having a baby boy
"so...are you gonna win it for him?" i asked taehyung.
"of course! I won't dissapoint our baby boy!" he said as i laugh at taehyung, he's so precious
"so you think my baby is yours?" we heard a voice from behind, both of us then turned around and saw yoongi, once tae saw yoongi he blocked me
"what do you mean?" taehyung asked yoongi, yoongi then laughed at tae
"you think you can fool me? That baby is mine!" yoongi said pointing at my belly, the people then started looking at us
"no it's not!" i insist
"you can't fool me jisoo..." yoongi said smirking
"i'm not kidding! This is tae's baby!" i said looking at him
"don't fool me!" yoongi said as he push taehyung out of his way as he grabbed my wrist tightly
"ouch! Yoongi it hurts!" i said screaming in pain he then grabbed my cheeks harshly
"!" he said angrily just then the police took yoongi away from me, taehyung then punched yoongi
"don't touch her again and my baby! I'm warning you!" taehyung said looking at yoongi with burning eyes
"i will come for you two!" yoongi said as the police took him away, after that taehyung went to me
"are you okay?" taehyung asked me
"i-i'm fine..but scared" i said holding my wrist since it hurts
"scared of what?" taehyung asked me
"that he will come for us" i said
"don't worry...let's move out of Daegu and go to seoul?" taehyung asked
"just for that we will move?" i asked them
"i was also planning to move to seoul with you and our baby, i will be having a business there since we are expanding our company" taehyung said explaining it
"so are you coming with me?" taehyung asked me
"i will come with you, when are we gonna move?" i asked him
"let's pack our stuff tomorrow and inform our siblings except yoongi" taehyung said
"okay then" i said agreeing.

Hello guys, sorry for making you guys wait for another chapter of mr.cheater i'm really sorry, i promise that i will make it up to you, happy 5k+ readers thank you so much for reading this, i'm really thankful, late merry christmas and happy new year, hope you guys are having a great time, thank you again.

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