Follow them

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Jisoo's pov
Me and taehyung and of course hyunso made to the mall safely, we immediately went to the toys store since we are gonna go buy hyunso so new toys since it's taehyung's idea.
Once we were there we start picking up toys and letting hyunso hold it if he likes it then we are gonna buy it for him.

Yoongi's pov
I followed them with my friend chen, they went to the toy store and i can see they were very happy.
"why are we even following this family?" chen asked since he dosen't know who they are
"see that baby?" i asked chen
"yes?" chen asked
"that's my baby" i said and he looked shock
"really? But how?" chen asked me surprise
"See the girl?" i asked chen again
"yeah. I'm not blind" he said
"well that's my ex girlfriend and that boy is my brother" i said looking at them happily shopping with angry in my eyes
"really? But why is she with your brother?" he asked
"cause! When me and her broke up my brother has feelings for her and they fall in love" i said angrily
" about the baby?" chen asked
"We are already broke up when i saw her at the club, she thought i'm my brother and she kissed me....i know it was an accident and i took advantage of her since i thought it will bring her back to me, but no....she just hated me more" i said still eyes glued to them not even looking at chen.
"so...what now?" chen asked once more
"i'll get the maybe that will force her to come back to me" i said smirking
"Yah! Are you crazy?" chen asked me in surprise but i didn't answer him.

Jisoo's pov
After buying hyunso his toys we went to eat since me and taehyung got hungry, i notice hyunso slept on his stroler since he probably got tired.
We were walking towards the restaurant but...i feel like someone has been following and i kept looking behind me but didn't see anyone that seems following us, taehyung notice it and got worried.
"are you okay?" taehyung asked
"taehyung let's go home....i feel like someone is following us..." i said and taehyung's eyes widen and looked behind us.
"before we go home let's loose them first" taehyung said whispering
"how?" i asked back while we were still walking.
"Let's just go to a crowded place and go one of the stores nearby and hide there for a moment" taehyung said
"sure....let's go somewhere crowded" i said as we walked around the mall, and thankfully we found a crowded place we then walked around and we feel like were safe enough and hide to one of the stores, it was a clothing store so we hid in one of the dressing rooms, we explain our situation to the staffs there and let us hide as they call a secrurity guard.

Once the security guard came inside the store we feel like were safe.
"We will guide you to the parking lot if you guys want to" the guard said
"can we actually...look at the cctv's" taehyung asked
" we can know if someone was indeed following you and if you might know the person, the footage can be an evidence when you file a report in the police station" the guard said
"let's go then" taehyung said and the security guard lead us to the security room.

The guy who was at the security room rewind the footage of us in the mall and indeed someone was following us but i can't see well who it was.
"so do you that person?" the guard asked us
"Yes! That guy in the left is min yoongi, but the other one i don't know" i said
"taehyung....we really can't escape yoongi huh?" i asked him
"don't worry....i'll keep you and hyunso safe as possible, i'll file a report on him" taehyung said. I'm really greatful having taehyung in my life, he's such a hero

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