After a long time

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[Jisoo's pov]
It's been 4 years now, i focused on my work, but that dosen't mean i stopped looking for my son, i hired a private invistagator, i can't believe yoongi would do that.

I heard a knock on my office
"Come in!" i yelled as i kept my eyes glued on my computer cause i'm working on some things.
"Ma'am, here is your coffee" my secretary said as she placed the coffee beside me
"Thanks" i look up and thank her
"Oh! Can you tell taehyung to meet me at the park today?" i said
"Sure ma'am" she replied
"I'll be going to take a break at the park, tell taehyung to meet me there, okay?" i said as i stand up
"Yes ma'am" she said
"I'll be going ahead now" i said and she nod, i grabbed my bag and left the office to the park.

I was now at the park, i walked over to the bridge, i look over to the river that was under the bridge i'm standing at.

I was looking at my phone waiting for taehyung to came, someone then bump into me, i look to the person who bump into me and it was a little kid.

"Sorry" the kid apologized, i then kneel down onto his level
"It's okay" i said smilling at him
"What's your name?" i asked him
"My name is min hyunso" the little boy said
"really? Wow, you have the same name as my son" i said smilling at him
"HYUNSO!" we heard someone call him
"Dad!" hyunso yelled before running to his dad, i stood up and saw yoongi
"Your his dad?" i asked yoongi and he look shock.

"Dad! Do you know the pretty lady?" hyunso asked yoongi pointing at me, well this took a turn

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