he's looking for us

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[yoongi's pov]
I've been looking for jisoo and taehyung for maybe 2 months now but i didn't see them here anywhere, i even looked at busan...but one place i haven't look for them and that is seoul
I finally arrived at seoul and i was looking for them everywhere, i then check this mall here looking if they were here.
[jisoo's pov]
Me and taehyung were shopping for the needs of the baby, we were talking while walking.
"so any ideas for the baby's name?" taehyung asked as he put his arm around my shoulder.
"no not yet....i think you should decide" i said
"i also don't have an idea" he said and we both laugh, while laughing i looked to my right and omg! I saw yoongi he seems like he's looking for someone, and i know he's looking for us since my sisters and taehyung's brothers said he was looking for us.
"taehyung! Let's go" i said in a hurry
"why?" he asked confuse
"yoongi is here..." i said in a low tone his eyes then widen
"where?" he asked i then pointed at my right he then looked and his eyed got even more wide.
"let's go!" taehyung said as we both looked down hidding our faces, we continued looking down until we got into taehyung's car, when we were finally inside the car we sigh in relief.
"thank god you saw him if you don't we won't be able to escape him" taehyung said
"yeah..." i said
"did you ran out of breath? Do you want water?" he asked worriedly
"no no...i'm fine.." i said smilling at him
"we should be careful next time.." taehyung said

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