Normal couple

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[Jisoo's pov]
After i was done talking to yoongi i said bye and walk to our car, then when i open the door they were looking at me excitedly
"why are you guys looking at me?" i ask
"Do have something to say to us?" jennie ask
"I will tell later, but! You have to go first jennie" i said
"Fine...." jennie said

(At home)
After we got home i sat on the couch
"So tell us jennie unnie!!" lisa said excitedly
"So you guys know kai right?" jennie ask us
"Yeah...." we all said
"So me and kai is in a relationship!!" jennie said happily
"Really!?" i said shock
"Yes!" jennie said in replay
"That's amazing unnie!" rosé said
"Congratulations unnie!!" lisa said
"I'm so happy for you jennie" i said
"I guess it's time for you to explain to us jisoo" jennie said
"Explain what?" i ask
"Why you took so long at the rooftop" jennie said
"Okay okay" i said
"Tell us!" rosé and lisa said
"So i met up with yoongi there" i said
"Really!!?" lisa said excited
"Let her finish!" rosé said
"I ask about why he keeps writing me letters, then he confess to me at the rooftop" i said explaining
"REALLY!!!!WHAT DID HE SAY!!?" lisa said excited
"Lisa....let her finish" jennie said
"Sorry i was just excited" lisa said
"Anyway, i confess my feelings to him to, and now were together" i said smilling
"Yes!!" lisa said jumping around
"Congratulations jisoo~" jennie said
"You too jennie" i said
"Well rosé we are single" lisa said to rosé
"You still have jimin and jungkook" i said teasing them
"Jimin? HELL NO!" Rosé said
"Jungkook? No way! He's annoying" lisa said
"Yeah jimin is annoying too" rosé said
"hahaha just kidding" i said
"One day you will found your love one" jennie said
"Well good night guys" i said walking up to my room
"goodnight dream about yoongi" lisa said teasing me
"I will, and dream about jungkook" i said teasing her back
"no way!" lisa said and walk to her room

I woke up by someone screaming my name
"Jisoo!! Jisoo!! Wake up!" i heard someone screaming i open my eyes and saw jennie
"What is it?" i ask her
"Yoongi is downstairs!" jennie said
"What!?" i ask shock while i sat up
"He is asking us if it's okay if you guys went out today" jennie said
"What!? Why?" i ask confuse
"Of course he's asking us if it's okay if you go out together today" jennie said
"But we have school" i said
"It's saturday" jennie said
"Really?" i ask
"Yeah" jennie said
"Then why are you dress like that" i ask her

(Morning)I woke up by someone screaming my name"Jisoo!! Jisoo!! Wake up!" i heard someone screaming i open my eyes and saw jennie"What is it?" i ask her"Yoongi is downstairs!" jennie said"What!?" i ask shock while i sat up"He is asking us if it's ...

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"Oh and kai are gonna go out today" jennie said
"Where is rosé and lisa?" i ask
"Rosé is downstairs with jimin" jennie said
"Huh? Really? Why is jimin here?" i ask
"Cause jimin heard that you and yoongi are gonna go out so he want to take rosé out too" jennie said explaining
"Oh okay....but what about lisa?" i ask
"Lisa is downstairs" jennie said
"Is she with jungkook?" i ask
"sadly jimin and yoongi said that jungkook is with jin and namjoon at the market" rosé said
"Oh okay..." i said then the door open
"Is jisoo awake?" someone said i look at the person and it's yoongi
"Yeah" i said and he look at me
"oh baby your awake" yoongi said
"Yeah...i'm awake" i said
"Get ready jisoo we are gonna go out" yoongi said
"Oh kai is waiting for me, i have to go, bye jisoo have fun~" jennie said
"Bye jennie, good luck and have fun and be safe" i said and she left
"Get ready now, i will wait for you downstairs" yoongi said and smile at me and he left my room closing the door
"I have to get ready" i said to myself and run to the bathroom and change my clothes to this

i'm awake" i said "Get ready jisoo we are gonna go out" yoongi said"Oh kai is waiting for me, i have to go, bye jisoo have fun~" jennie said"Bye jennie, good luck and have fun and be safe" i said and she left"Get ready now, i will wait for you dow...

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After that i went downstairs, i saw yoongi sitting while rosé and jimin talking but rosé seems annoyed while lisa is watching a tv
"Yoongi i'm ready" i said and he look at me and he look shock
"Is everything okay?" i ask him and walk closer to him
"Uh--- Y-yeah i'm o-okay" he said
"Is something wrong yoongi? Tell me" i said
"I'm just shock seeing you wearing something like that, you didn't wear something like that on school" yoongi said
"Ah....okay" i said, then i look at rosé and jimin fighting
"Why are they fighting?" i ask
"Um...cause jimin want's to take rosé out but rosé don't want to" yoongi said then i went to rosé and jimin
"What is happening here?" i ask
"Unnie! Tell jimin i don't wanna go with him" rosé said
"Jimin" i said and he look at me
"Did jennie and lisa said yes?" i ask
"Yeah they said i can take rosé out" jimin said, then i look at rosé
"Rosé" i said and she look at me
"Yeah?" she ask
"Go change your clothes and go with jimin, i will wait for you" i said
"But unnie!" rosé said
"The others said yes, so.....and plus you need to have fun" i said
"Fine. Cause you said so" rosé and went up to her room
"Thanks jisoo" jimin said
"You don't have" i said and smile at him and i went to yoongi
"Let's wait rosé" i said
"Why?" yoongi ask
"Cause if not rosé will not go out with jimin" i said
"Oh okay" yoongi said and i went to lisa
"Lisa?" i said
"Oh unnie!" she said and smile at me
"You look pretty unnie" lisa said
"Thanks" i said
"Btw unnie where are you going?" lisa ask
"Me and yoongi are gonna go out" i said
"oh okay" lisa said
"What are you doing btw?" i ask
"I'm watching a video with leo" lisa said and i look at her cat leo on her side
"Omo...i didn't even saw leo" i said
"hehe" lisa said
"Unnie i'm done changing" rosé said and i look at her

"Omo!" i said"Something wrong unnie? Why do you and jimin look shock" rosé ask"You look beautiful" jimin said"Uh

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"Omo!" i said
"Something wrong unnie? Why do you and jimin look shock" rosé ask
"You look beautiful" jimin said
"Uh...thanks" rosé said blushing
"So let's go, lisa watch the house i will tell jungkook and the others to look after you" i said
"Why? I can watch myself tho" lisa said
"But it's nice if you have someone, and plus your maids is not here" yoongi said
"Fine..." lisa said
"Rosé and jimin we will go now" i said
"We will go now too" jimin said
"Okay then, see you guys later" i said and the four of us split up, me and yoongi went to his car while rosé and jimin went to jimin's car

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