where are they?

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[Yoongi's pov]
A day later I got put of the police station, I was telling them that the child that jisoo's carrying was mine, but they didn't believe me, they let me go a day after.
Now that i'm free I need to find jisoo, I know for sure she might be on their house, I grab my keys and went over to jisoo's house.
I knock on the door then rosé opened the door, once she saw me she immediately close the door but I stopped the door from closing when I out my foot on the door.
"W-what do you want?" Rosé asked me as she opened the door again
"Where is jisoo?" I asked her then she kept quiet
"Is she here?" I asked her again but once again she was quite
"ANSWER ME!" I said screaming at her, I could see that she is scared
"Rosie? Are you okay?" Jennie said while walking to the front door, she then saw me and her eyes burn in anger
"YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She asked yelling at me
"Where is jisoo?" I asked Jennie
"She is not here!" Jennie said glaring at me
"Your lying..." I said laughing
"Seriously she's not here" jennie said in a serious tone
"I  demmand you go call jisoo upstairs" i said demanding jennie
"B-but...unnie is not here" rosé said
"Let me in!" I said as I pushed them aside and walking inside
"And what the hell are you doing?!" Jennie asked
"JISOO!!" I screamed calling for her, lisa then went down running
"Unnie...is everything ok--" she stopped once she saw me
"You! What are you doing here?" Lisa asked
"Is jisoo up there?" I asked Lisa
"No...jisoo unnie is not here!" Lisa said
"Go leave now! Or else we will call the police" Jennie said in a cold tone
"I know jisoo is here, stop hidding her from me!" i said frusrated
"If you really believe jisoo is here why don't you go around the house" Jennie said raising her eyebrows once she said that I went looking for her inside the house.

It's been an hour now but I didn't see jisoo or dalgom inside the house. So jennie, rosé and Lisa were telling the truth?
"I told you she's not here!" Jennie said
"Where is she!!?" I asked them angrily
"I don't know!" Lisa said
"Stop lying! Tell me or else!" I said
"Go leave now..before I call the cops" Jennie said, I got a warning last time and I would be arrested if I bother them again that's why didn't bother and just leave the house.

Where could jisoo have been? I know! At our house, after thinking i then went to our house, once i was infront i knocked on the door and jungkook opened the door
"ouk! Yoongi-hyung what are you doing here?" jungkook asked
"yoongi's here?" jimin asked, he then went to where jungkook was
"ouk! Hyung, what are you doing here?" jimin asked me
"is taehyung here?" i asked the both of them
"no...he's not here" jungkook said
"liar!" i said as i pushed the both of them out of my way as i walk inside, namjoon and jin noticed me
"ouk! Yoongi, why are you here?" jin asked supprised
"Where is taehyung!?" i asked all of them
"he's currently not here.." hoseok said. I didn't believe them and went around the house looking for taehyung or jisoo, but after searching the whole house i didn't find them, yeontan is not even here..
"SERIOUSLY! WHERE ARE THEY!?" I said screaming as i fall onto the ground
"are you okay hyung?" namjoon asked me
"tell me! The baby jisoo was carrying was!" i said demanding them
"i don't know what's wrong with you! That baby is taehyung's" jin said
"are you crazy hyung?" jungkook asked
"no! That baby is mine! Mine! Mine! MINE!" I said screaming
"do you know where they are?" i asked the all of them
"sorry but...we don't know" namjoon said i then stood up
"you all are useless!" i said as i walked out of the house.

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