my biggest mistake

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[Jisoo's POV]
I sneak out again to go to a bar, it was now 12 in the morning, the girls are all asleep and I just wanna go to the bar to erase yoongi out of my head cause I all I can think about is yoongi.

I ordered some shots, I keep ordering and ordering while i'm so drunk.

[Yoongi's POV]
I walk into the bar exhausted, I wanna foget about what happen today, I then sat and ordered something, then I heard one of the bar tender has a problem I then looked to what was going on, and I saw jisoo, she was very drunk
"Miss you can't have anymore, you keep ordering and ordering you very drunk miss" the bar tender said to jisoo
"But i'm gonna pay for it!" Jisoo said, she really is very drunk, I didn't know jisoo drinks, I then walk to jisoo
"Sorry about my friend I will take her home" I said as I pay for the drinks jisoo bought and I looked at her
"Yoongi?" She asked
"Yeah it's me" I said as I try to pick her up
"I know how to walk" she said as she stands up but she falls thankfully i'm there to catch her
"See! Your very drunk" I said to her
"Taehyung-ah, i'm sorry" she said and started crying, what is wrong with her?
"Let's go" I said
"I wanna sleep!!" Jisoo said crying
"I will take you home" I said as I try to drag her now
"I wanna sleep" she said as she push me

"Seriously what is wrong with her" I said as I sigh
"Yoongi let's go" she said dragging me somewhere, what is wrong with her like really!, she dragged me to a room and she jump to the bed while holding my hand and obviously she was holding my hand and when she jumps I came with her flying to the bed.
"Ow that hurts!" I said to her to my surprise she kissed me, I wanted to push her but I couldn't, then just like that it happened

[Jisoo's POV]
I then woke up dizzy, I sat up and i rub my forehead, i then realize i was naked, no no no! What happen last night.
"Oh yoy awake" i heard someone said it i then looked to my right and saw yoongi naked!! No no no.
"What happen!?" i asked
"You were very drunk" yoongi said
"And then you took advantage of me!?" I added
"You are the one who forced me" yoongi said
"Well I was drunk!" I said as I stand up and put on my clothes back on and left that room, and it was a bar, I then head back home.

When I got back home I was crying and Jennie saw me
"Jisoo is home" Jennie said and Lisa and rosé ran out of the kitchen
"What's wrong?" Jennie asked.
"Jennie-ah....yoongi" I said as she hug me
"What happen unnie?" Lisa asked
"He took advantage of me" I said crying on Jennie's shoulder
"What! Where were you!?" Jennie asked surprise
"I was at the bar and I was so drunk" I said
"What are we gonna do now!? Taehyung is already on his way back to Korea" rosé said
"What!?" I said surprise
"Yeah, the meeting was cancelled, cause one of the CEO didn't came" rosé said
"What now!" I said
"It's better if you tell him all of this... I bet he will understand" Jennie said
"Taehyung-ah i'm sorry" I said repeating it while Jennie, rosé and Lisa are trying to calm me down.

(Hello it's the author again, sorry if this chapter is not friendly hahaha sorry but have to do it, do you think taehyung will understand jisoo? Or no? Don't worry again it will not change the story plan, but thank you for reading this, sorry I fell asleep so I couldn't upload this earlier, well thank you for reading I'm really thankful)

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