2. The guilt

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Asusual I woke up to the alarm sound that was ringing off my ear . Today was my day off as it is saturday ,so I decided to visit the nearby war camp. getting out of bed was the most diffucult task that I am facing everyday, that too on your day off .. do I have to tell you more😅 . But I convinced myself and woke up with some new found energy or you can call it a spiritual energy . Because it takes a lot more than just energy to wake up from your peaceful sleep on a day off.

Today I choose a blue denim with a turquoise color kurti matched with a blue hijab. I just hate to put on make up,
Don't conclude something before you know the real reason, I'm just too lazy and that's it .so after getting ready I just went down and greeted my brother Rafan and his wife Aaliya with salam and looked for Romaisa, my one  year old cute little niece.she was sleeping peacefully with a smile on her lips which made me wonder, what dream was she having ??

As I was wearing my shoes(because it's a war camp). Rafan was forcing me to have my breakfast. I now know that I can't leave the house without having my breakfast .. so without denying I ate my breakfast in silence with a glass of juice. After conveying my salams I left for the camp.

Before entering the camp I have to make myself strong and convince my stupid heart again and again not to break down there , coz you know it makes the affected person more weaker.
When I was in indulged in such deep thoughts , I reached the camp...
As I reached there the wailings and cryings engulfed me reminding me to stay strong. I noticed people who have lost their legs, hands, few even lost their eyesight , Which made me shiver.

As I was helping an old man with his bandage , a little boy was came by my side crying, I lifted him and gave him some candies that I always carry with me in my bag , he was crying so much that tears were just flowing effortlessly.  the scene itself was too much to bear.As I consoled him ,I asked him what happened ,though I  guessed what may have occurred.. he had lost his family in the terrorist attack that took place last night while they were sleeping . He was sobbing while recalling the disaster that took place , he recalled how his mom hid him under a table and gave her own life in front of his eyes.

I just felt like taking him home and to give him all the love that he is missing now , but we see hundreds of children like him daily, it doesn't make it fair or less painful, but the truth is we can't afford it all, so I took him to the nearby orphanage ... I turned back quickly unable to see the pain and loneliness in his little brown eyes which were tired of crying.....

I returned back to home with a burden , a guilty feeling that can't be described. This happens each time I go to the war camp... coz I know how it feels to lose your parents overnight , you feel devastated and lonely. But my brother was with me during that phase of my life which made it a bit lighter . But nothing can be compared to the loss of your parents..

I went to bed quicker than usual, I don't know whether it is because of the tiredness of the body or the soul, which was too much for me to bear ...


Okay now don't forget that star, which is looking for your attention😁
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