20 . Argument

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Hamza's pov:

It was midnight when someone knocked the door . I thought there was an emergency outside and went to open the door . At first I was shocked to see Hayat standing there , she was wearing an abaya and niqab (a kind of veil that shows only the eyes ) . Her deep blue eyes were the only prominent feature that helped me identifying her . She was standing there with fear in her eyes .

She was observing me intensely like taking an image of me with her eyes , as though memorising me . Then all of a sudden she was pulling me along with her to the streets . Fear was evident in her eyes . Her whole body was shaking with fear . Then all of a sudden a gunshot was heard which teared away the midnight silence . There was blood all over us . Before I could analyse what was happening around us , Hayat fell down with a thud , Blood was oozing out from her stomach .

I was profusely sweating as I woke up screaming . Only then I realized all of it was a dream which did not make me panick any less . I was scared would be an understatement . First I should make sure that my Hayat is safe and sound .

I was repeatedly begging the taxi driver to drive fast . as I reached my destination I was waiting anxiously . I am standing at the same place where I usually used to hide and stalk her . It is getting late and I am getting more impatient . I was tapping my feet continuously. Now seconds really seemed like years .

Finally she came out , she was walking like nothing had happened . The truth is nothing had happened except in my dream . She was more beautiful today . I could keep on repeating the above statement everyday . She was wearing a light blue top with a dark blue skirt and matching hijab . The colors made her look angelic . But those blues were less attractive than the blue of her eyes .

After I made sure she was okay , I went home as I got orders from the three of the boutique owners and also from another two more . The three of them seemed extremely happy with my work . It was overwhelming for me to reach the first step of my success .

I was working without taking a break . According to me break is an unnecessary thing . It doesn't make us energetic but lazy . It is just a waste of time . It is a silly excuse we make to our lazy selves This is my point of view . Everyone's may differ , so don't hate me .

As I completed my work I made a call to my dad . After the usual chit chat part I told my dad I need to discuss some serious issues with him .

" dad , I need to speak with you , I just can't keep on delaying things."

" yeah , tell me son . What is it ?, are you facing any difficulties? "

" No dad , not yet , but your action and reaction to what I'm going to tell you now may cause me some difficulties ."

"What are you speaking hamza ?, are you drunk over there , how would I hurt you?"

" can you prove it by your actions dad ?"

"Okay if that makes you trust me , I am  ready to do it . Just tell me what should I do ?"

" dad I am  in love with a girl here , please Don't try to convince me again that it's just an attraction or infatuation . I am obsessed with her that I'm scared that I may lose her , so I am planning on giving her a marriage proposal " .

"Hamza , you can't live happily with a girl of that community . They may be beautiful but you have to understand the reality " .

"Dad , For your kind information I am not asking you . I am informing you . You have to understand the difference . I will be happy if you are there to bless me on my special day and at the same time I wouldn't care much if you are not willing to do it " .

" Hamza , you are very strong in your decision but has the girl accepted your proposal  ? "

" no dad , I have not yet proposed to her . But I will soon and she will accept my proposal for sure " .

" okay hamza , if she and her family accepts your proposal , make sure you let us know " .

" sure dad , keep waiting for the happy news . Bye take care " .

" bye hamza , take care " .


Can you all hear the wedding bells ?🤩😃

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