16 . The Pain

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Hamza's pov:

It felt empty to wake up alone in a house , with no mom to wake you up , with no brother to disturb your sleep and no dad to scream at you . It was my first day in my house though it's rented I feel like I own it , coz I am alone here .
The first thought this morning was about my Hayat . How could I forget her . I need to talk to her . I need to confess my feelings to her .

I dressed myself in my best and
Got ready to meet her . I repeatedly rehearsed the speech I have prepared . If the mirror had a mouth it would have accepted my proposal coz I did it a hundred times .
"Should I kneel infront of her , should I buy a ring , should I give a bouquet or a rose " . All these should I thoughts were running in my mind . But she being Hayat I don't know what scene she is going to create when I propose her .

I took a taxi to reach the camp .as I reached there , I went to where the childre were admitted , coz Hayat will most probably be present there . As I went there , I noticed that the children in the camp are getting better now , They are recovering fast . That made me smile .
I was looking for Hayat, but she was not there . I searched for her everywhere , but she was nowhere . At that sudden moment , I felt a pang of pain . I felt an unknown fear , I felt the fear of losing her forever . I was scared at that thought . We never find the value of a person when they are near us , we feel the pain only when they are gone .
I felt like I've lost her . I felt like a part of me has gone . I was at the verge of crying . I was breaking within .

I enquided all of them about Hayat, most of them doesn't know her , I know that I must be sounding desperate . Truly I am desperate , so there's nothing wrong in that . I was consoling myself but I felt my throat becoming dry . Then I saw dr.fathima speaking with someone . I recognised her immediately. She was the one who scolded Hayat once .

So I went to her , said my salams and asked her " can I meet dr.Hayat she was the one who assisted me in the camp " .

" As her one week was over , she returned back to her work . If you need any help , feel free to ask any of the doctors here " . She was speaking with concern .

" it's okay dr.fathima , I just came here to thank dr.Hayat . Nothing serious " . I assured her .

she went back to work ,
" so I won't be able to see her here anymore. I must find the hospital she works in " . I was thinking as I was a bit disappointed and today I felt the pain of losing her , it was something unbearable .
I can't bare it even for a a few minutes , If I don't find her , how will I live with the pain for the rest of my life . I must find a way to make her mine . ..... I was standing there with these thoughts .

Anyhow her house must be somewhere near , I have seen her go that way , everday after she has completed treating us in the camp . So I decided to wait here till evening . I was roaming here and there like a mad man .

As I was thinking about her , I saw her walking infront of me . If my heart had not missed a beat , I would have mistook her as my illusion . I found it difficult to breathe , My breath was ragging . She was stunning as always . She was wearing an a abaya with grey hijab today . She was walking with her head down .

As I approached her with a salam , she replied and looked up . Her face was showing an expression of shock . ....

My dear lovely people , don't forget to vote , comment and share . 😘

I've not edited any of the chapters till now , but I will do it once I complete the book . So pls ignore the mistakes .

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