43. Another beautiful day

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       This chap is dedicated to the lovely    zoya786123 ❤ , without ur sweet naggings I would not have got the will power to write this chap amidst my netflix time 🤗

                WORD COUNT:840

Hayat's pov:

              "How many days are you on leave ?" , he asked me , " a week " , I replied .

             We went to see Rafan one day and went to the nearby lake the other day , we went boating there . It was a pleasant experience. We were close to each other watching the sunset . We were of course holding hands which gave me goosebumps even now at the thought that precious moment.

         " Hayat these taste amazing , you should try these." he pointed towards the roadside stall.

         "Mmmm hamza , I usually avoid these foods , they are not hygienic as well as healthy, don't mistake me" I spoke with hesitation. I don't know how he would take this .

         " Oops, I literally forgot you are a doctor " he laughed hysterically.

           I was looking at him all the while , the way the corners of his eyes shrinked as he laughed and the way the corners of his lips twitched , I laughed along with him . His laugh was radiant . I was falling for him already . He always helped me in cooking. He is an amazing person inside and his outside features are a bonus that I would not neglect . He was making it so easy, so easy that falling for him is just like blinking my eye .

           " Hayat , I have been calling you thrice and you are not answering , what are you thinking ? " , he tapped on my shoulder .

        "Ummmm... nothing hamza , just thinking what to cook today", I managed a lie with a smile .

        "Hayat , what has got into you?, it was only yesterday night , when I told you that I will be cooking today".

       " Sorry hamza , I totally forgot it" , I pleaded with my baby eyes .

        "Oh come on sweetie , come help me", he pinched my nose .

           We made jeera rice today with chicken and salad , the sentence should actually be in this way "hamza made rice and chicken while Hayat made the salad ".

           his cooking is really delicious , how lucky am I to get a husband like him. I am smiling, dreaming and laughing a lot today than usual .

           We had our nap after lunch , my favourite part of the day . You get to enjoy those only on a leave , on working days we have to work in the afternoon , fighting the sleep that comes like an uninvited guest . We decided to go to the nearby park today .the park is at a walkable distance from our home .

           We walked alongside each other in silence , the type of silence where you don't feel the urge to initiate a conversation, the comfortable silence. The silence which itself is beautiful, which itself speaks an amazing story . Silence speaks the most meaningful words, you just have to listen to them .

         We chose a stone bench near a large tree in the park. It was so peaceful that for a moment we just forgot we are in syria. I just wish this could last forever . We were enjoying ourselves . The birds chirping, kids laughing , squirrels squeaking and gnawing , the rustling of leaves , the evening sunset , vendors agreeing to the bargaining customers, couples romancing (except us), Adults screaming and everything made perfect sense here . The place is beautiful in it's own way. Us being together made it even more beautiful

           We talked a lot today , about our likes and dislikes and about our loved ones. His eyes shone a different brown as we spoke , he would just stare me in between then he would just talk to himself, shake his head and smile.

           "Are you insulting me by talking to yourself when I'm here ?"

          "I am just thanking god for every moment I got to spend with you , I still can't believe that you are mine now, you are now my wife Hayat". He was beaming with joy .

              I was shy all of a sudden , I never expected an outburst here.
"Mmm.... yes , look at the kids there", I pointed my finger at the group of kids playing there , trying to distract him .

          "So do you like kids Hayat?"

         "Of course Hamza, who doesn't like them ?" He gave me a sheepish smile .

             He was making it awkward, "mmm ... Hamza I liks kids , but I hate people who talk about kids ,the next moment they are married ". I replied with a grin .

            He laughed out loud , I felt everyone's eyes on us . "Shhh, what has got into you ?"

            " I never knew you had such a dirty mind Hayatiii, I was just asking and you are taking it to the next level" , he laughed uncontrollably holding his stomach .

         " Okay , can you please shut up" it was embarrassing .

          It is true that time flies when we are with our loved ones , it was already dark when we headed back . We both prayed together and made dinner . He made me laugh like a mad woman and the next moment he would make me smile like a shy girl . He was doing tricks and I am falling for him , the thing is I have fallen for him already. It's just that I have to blurt out the three magical words .


I know I'm late 😅 anyways like , share and comment ❤

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