31. The Unexpected

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Hamza's pov:

I couldn't open my eyes , they felt too heavy .I slept a week's sleep in a single night . It was a dreamless night , an empty night . I expected some haunting dreams , but nothing like that happened . Maybe I was too tired to even dream , maybe my eyes saw enough terrible things during the day . Only when I woke up, I felt the presence of someone near me . I was shocked at first , only then yesterday's event came to my mind .

The small girl was wide awake near me . She was lying next to me wide awake . her eyes were so full of fear . She must be hungry, so I fed her some bread and vegetables that I had in my home . Thanks for the invention of refrigerator, else these veggies might be rotten by now . It's been four days since I bought them.
I was looking at myself with pride when I fed her . "Hamza, you can do so many awesome things ". I appreciated myself.

She looked at me with her crystal blue eyes which held a lot of emotions like fear , sorrow and lastly a glint of trust was there .so, she trusted me a little and that was enough to calm her . But  I'm sure that there is something with these people and blue eyes . I've seen nearly every shades of blue here, in their eyes . But Hayat's ocean blue is and will be my all time favourite. I miss those pair of eyes. It's been a long time since I met them . I wish to see them atleast in my dreams .

A small tap on my hand bought me back to reality, the little girl was waiting for me to feed her the next spoon of food. It seems that she is hungry. I kept on feeding her till she held her tummy with her small hands to show me that she has eaten well . She looked cute.

" What's your name cutie ? "I asked her.

"Lomaisa", she replied.

" okay Lomaisa , you're name is sweet just like you .now will you tell me your dad's name ?" . I interrogated her again.

"Daddy Daddy , Lafan " . She started crying , it was more like screaming .

"What Lafan?", I blurted out .

She shaked her head as yes vigorously.

"There is Something fishy with his name , my guess must not be true." I prayed and showed her the road and asked "Lomaisa, Do you know what is this ?".

"Load , load", she screamed.

Okay , now my doubt has been cleared , now it's confirm that she couldn't pronounce "R" and she is replacing it with "L" . This is why I hate baby talks. They are sweet at times , but at certain times , they make us go mad . Why can't they talk like normal people ? . They want to make things complicated . I was just  joking , don't start hating me . I just love their cuteness , I hate them only when they cry , which they always do . 😉

So she is Romaisa, daughter of the great mr.Rafan. Now fate is playing it's game . I have to take Romaisa to her home now itself. By evening Hayat and Rafan would be back from work . I don't want to meet them . I have saved her by God's grace, but when I meet Rafan, he will ask me "Are you planning to destroy my family? ". I don't want to hate my to be brother in law so soon . 😜

I was walking with giant leaps carrying Romaisa on my shoulder . I should reach her home before Rafan or Hayat arrives. I don't want to face them , but maybe I can get a glance of her as an appreciation . My mind and heart are always in a war when it comes to Hayat. "Okay Hamza stop overthinking" .I restrained my thoughts and started walking even faster .

I reached her place , which was partially destroyed due to the attack . But it was in a better state when compared with the other buildings. I knocked the door twice , there was no response like the last time . Romaisa started crying on seeing her house . I was consoling her , praying that someone should be alive to atleast open the door . As I lifted my hand to knock again , the door was opened followed by a scream . A scream of shock and of happiness . A women in her mid twenties was standing there. The women's eyes had black circles . Her eyes seems tired of crying . Her tear strains were still on her cheek. She hugged Romaisa taking her away from me.

She kissed Romaisa all over her face , hugging her . She was overwhelmed with joy . She was now shedding tears of happiness . I was looking at the scene forgetting myself and forgetting at whose place I am standing at . I do really miss my mom .

On seeing her child , she completely ignored my existence . So it's time for me to leave . As I took a step to walk back , she called me in as if reading my mind .

" sorry for not calling you in , I was bought back to life on seeing my Romaisa back . I must have forgotten you , I guess you are her saviour. I just can't thank you enough for what you have done. You bought back our sunshine .may I know your name ?"

She spoke without breathing ,
" Mmm, I'm Hamza ." I replied with hesitation .

"Mr.Hamza please come in , don't hesitate." , she finally called me in .

"Hayat ,Rafan come here , see who has come back to us " . She screamed at the top of her lungs .

" Shit, they are home " my mind spoke differently while my heart ached to see her. Leave that Rafan part . My mind was able to register only his sister.

Hayat came there with visible bags under her eyes . She must have cried a lot . She looked pale . It was like all of her energy was drained out. She looked at me with no feeling , as if I'm a stranger . Her eyes looked plain , void of any emotions . When her eyes laid on Romaisa , they sparkled with joy . She hugged Romaisa so tightly , not letting her breathe that I thought she might suffocate Romaisa. She cried hugging her , I coughed to make her feel my existence , she bought back her calm posture realizing it .

"Hayat please call Rafan , he has not even touched a morsel of food , he is avoiding everything in this worldy life including me . He's lost himself these days . He had not even uttered a word or shed a tear. Please dear , can you call him ?" . Romaisa's mom was at the verge of tears .

Hayat nodded her head slowly and went in ."Rafan , rafan come here soon , see who's here . Our Romaisa is alive , she has come back to us". She was begging for Rafan to come down . He was upstairs it seems .

Foot steps were heard .....


A long long chapter for you all . More the likes, longer the chapter will be . So don't forget to vote 😍😜

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