32. An Awkward Meeting

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                  WORD COUNT:837

             Footsteps were heard from upstairs. Rafan came down running ,he looked worn out . He was depressed. He broke down to tears on seeing his only daughter alive , whom he thought to be dead . He lifted her and hugged the life out of her , the Romaisa who stayed silent and still ,all these time while her mom and Hayat hugged her , started crying too on seeing her daddy's tears. Rafan took her in his arms and started kissing her all over face , it was a moment to be captured , they both were living a fairytale moment .

             "baby , daddy missed you so much" , Rafan was literally crying . The stronger one broke down again . It was painful to encounter such things .
On seeing her dad cry , Romaisa started weeping . She cried and spoke in her own language "daddy , lomaisa missed you too".

            He uttered sweet nothings to make his crying daughter smile . It was a priceless moment.
Everyone around them had tears in our eyes including myself.
The bond between a father and daughter is real , magical and is so strong . It melted a heart of a cruel killer like me . A person like me was bought up in a way to not cry at this scene . But here I'm doing the exact opposite.

            Rafan didnot notice me , he was busy with his daughter .he was tickling Romaisa and she giggled continuously. They were enjoying their reunion.

             "Rafan,This is Hamza and he is one who saved our Romaisa." Aaliyah bought his attention to me .

               He looked at me as if I have done something wrong , as if I have committed a sin just by my mere presence. I just couldn't understand this man , his sister is also under the not understandable category.

                "Thank you mr.Hamza, you have done a great favour to us and we will never forget it for a lifetime ." He spoke with a double meaning . Both sister and brother use their words wisely.

             I just nodded my head with a smile to not make it look awkward than it already was. What else would you expect me to do ?

            "Please have a seat mr.Hamza, would you like to have some tea?" He greeted me with hospitality.

            I nodded my head as a response to which romaisa's mom got up and went to the stove .

           We were finally having a formal conversation.
"So , where are you living now ?". He questioned me as I was having my tea.

               "At present I'm residing at the Baghdad's".I answered like I was attending an interview. "What about your parents?, are they with you ? " he throwed the next question with a smirk .
"No sir ,we had a misunderstanding , more like I understood what life is ,what value it holds and they don't understand it . So I live alone here ." I replied humbly .

                   We talked for a few more minutes . Okay not talked , he questioned and I answered. He was curious about my whereabouts that he asked me a lot about the place where I stay now and about the place where I lived once and what not . All those time Hayat was staring at the blank space without sparing me a glance . She was so disturbed.

             "I think it's time to take my leave . Hope to see you all soon." I emphasized the hope to see you soon phrase looking at Hayat. She murmured something which went inaudible.

            "Maybe I can walk with him till the end of the street". Came an unexpected reply from Rafan.

           "Sure" I waved a bye to Romaisa and walked with the person whom I never thought would walk with me.

             "So mr.Hamza, why did you come to our house , the first time ?". Atleast now he decided to know the reason.

             "It's not a big issue Rafan , I just came by to apologise about the past ." I told a lie curtly and easily .

             "You were not aware of me , when you came here the first time , you was shocked , your reaction when you saw me today was totally different from that of your face showed on that day .I'm starting to trust you and your spoiling that trust and most importantly I have not given you enough right to address me with my first name ."He spoke like a professor.

               "I guess that I have not gained enough trust to tell you the exact thing , for which I came on that day." I spoke with enough confidence.

             "Is it something related to Hayat?", he caught me offguard .

              "No no mr.Rafan , I have not met Hayat for the last two months." I spoke with sincerity in my voice .

                "So , you used to meet her before that?" He questioned me at the next second , those words left my mouth .
I should keep my mouth shut when I am with this family , they are well versed with words , they could get things out from our mouth easily .
"I could feel the pressure in the air when you both were under the same roof" . He spoke with a straight face.

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